Advice Needed tuner cofiguration for c band lnb ( single solution )


Feb 27, 2012
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My Satellite Setup
240 cm local motorized dish and 2 fixd 180 cm local dish with multi lnb VU+ DUO 2 yuner in use
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Egypt- Cairo
about 9 month ago i got this new c band send to me from a frend in the u.a.e - iam not sure but think its made in indonisya or some other asian country but not china
i thought its like the older one i got before - the older one stuck in one polarity
at first the new one olso got just one polarity - i put these numbers in tuner conf menu
lof =user defind -- lof/lo = 5150 -- lof /hi = 5150 --- threshold = 00000 -- like the older one which was ok with this setting
i made some search on google and one asin lives in uk asking about setting in DM box menu
the answer came from anther asian tells him to put these numbers
lof/lo = 5150 --- lof/hi 5750 -- threshold = 6500
i but these numbers but no change - still only one polarity works
then in an asian fourum i saw a thrid about ( single solution C band lnb )
beside one advantage in this lnb it olso says that you have to adjust polarity to one side ( eg H ) and the other polarity ( V ) you should substract 600 from the freq number
if freq = 3750 - i must but 3150 in search menu
actully it works wth much of the freq but some others had no signal specialy the DVBS2 transponders and the ones thats under 3600 - eg 3550 ( c band value is from 3400 to 4200 )
if i roll the lnb left or right to the opposit polarity these tranponders works but the other polarity gets that problem
untill now i donot know the right numbers i should but in tuner cofig - or the right modefied freq in search menu


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2012
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DR.HD F15,TBS 6983,dishes 70-220
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OCS-one cable solution. These lnbs have the range 3,6-4,2 ghz. I have one if them here-Strong 980.
Zero mark on LNB is horizontal. Then you have vertical 3,6-4,2 ghz, horizontal 3,0-3,6ghz.
There is no voltage switching of polarity.

Some receivers have the software with LNB option - OCS(like DRHDF15-works good).

For correct frequencies is needed set LO 5150 for vertical and 5750 for horizontal.
No idea ,if it is possible on your receiver.