Recent content by andysly

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    The Satellite Story

    h00p:// Documentary which explores how satellites have affected almost every aspect of our lives, from spy satellites and GPS transforming the military...
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    hi i am an owner of a little comag setup and looking for a next toy to play with..would this toy as you put it :D be good enough for me to expand my learning curve :D as all i do is hunt on fta stuff...could i please put my hand up to this. i will paypal 25 quid for it i will need to place the...
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    How to kill an SL65 (a cautionary tale)

    its only ONLY a sl65/12 :P:P i like it..for a 30 quid bit of german junk it works quiet well :D but we all live and learn..i should be around a little more often.
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    How to kill an SL65 (a cautionary tale)

    i have never done an e1 or seen a pic of a e1 cpu as most people dont rip them off the pcbs lol but on madiens and some of the comag sub forum's did say that the e1's heat sink could not be removed. most of the info is here _
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    How to kill an SL65 (a cautionary tale)

    oopsy just seen that bit someone did no tell him the e1's heatsink is attached to the pcb :o
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    How to kill an SL65 (a cautionary tale)

    i am running a patched sl65/12 b1 chip with no problems here.. and for the cpu to go like that had to be a hardware issue i changed my psu to something a bit more heavier .. due to the orignal psu undervolting while under load. and if i remember right thats not a b1 or e1
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    Britain Is Repossessing The U.s.a.

    A Message to the citizens of the United States of America: In light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume...
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    LIDL Dish Setup .

    just a side note .. i think there is new patches for that box aswell that will clear a few good channels ;) so if you install your dish to 19.2 or 13 maybe 1w you may be able to get the best out of your box :D
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    Silvercrest SL 65 Receiver

    there are many patches for the sl65/12 sl65 b1 chip. google my username with truman patched .. many things are open on the sl65 atm regular updates and k3y$
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    install wanted in trowbridge

    as i am going to be moveing very soon i will be looking for a fresh install for my kit. i have all of the hardware but no time to do it... what price would i be looking at . is any members local to my area would like to take this job on. its for a 1mtr motorized setup. regards andy
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    car boot sale joy...need some advice

    hello again. fresh back from glastonbury festival. i was hopeing this rx could be patched in any way is there anyone who can help me, before i get in the relms of cams cards and programmers.. any help plz.. ps the bbc hd uplink dish is hekking huge :o andy
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    trying Linux...

    i am running knoppix 5.2.0 from cbit at the moment on a 1ghz lappy.everything installed ok apart from the wifi card.had to use a old b prisim 2.5 chipset that runs as sweet as a nut on it :D the speed is impressive and stability is next to non . i have also run ubuntu and thats good
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    kaon sat upgrade

    try 0000 or 1212
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    car boot sale joy...need some advice

    well you are right but its only 20 quids worth, and i just want to get it updated as best as possible.and then leave it now looking at motors new dish and lmb to go with it. thou my old aldi 80cm dish and sharp white is doing a good job :D.. i do think i have been bitten again by the...
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    car boot sale joy...need some advice

    ok i have the null modem cable i have the channel editor tools and the correct flashing tool, can anyone give me any advice on what firmware i need, i know this box is a bit old but im impressed pic quality and channel change speed.. regards andysly :D