Recent content by digidol

  1. D

    KA reception is a no go so far for me

    these pics should have been with the last post
  2. D

    KA reception is a no go so far for me

    just a couple of pics from my set up just outside Bangor,Gwynedd... I have a 1.2 visiosat dish,skewing the LNB seems to do no difference ..i'm wondering if a steel dish would be better than this fiberglass one.
  3. D

    Joining Sky - But already have a dish ?

    why dont you just phone sky and get a new std digibox for free the installation fee will only be a fiver on this- the only thing you would need is a phone line connected for 12 months and the basic viewing package - you will get a new minidish and cableing because they warrant the install..this...