Recent content by enka

  1. E

    Need For dreambox FTP

    How can I send to dreambox via FTP? I use DCC. When I try it says that is read only files. How to change the attributes to folder etc/init.d/
  2. E

    [help] How to change TTL and save in dreambox?

    Hello My ISP has changed TTL(time to live) and I find out to change TTL from default 64 to 129. proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl set to 129 the problem is I can't save this file. Can you help me to save files ?
  3. E

    [Help] How to change value on Dreambox 500s

    Can you tell me is there any script or conf file where I can change values?
  4. E

    [Help] How to change value on Dreambox 500s

    Again thanks. It seems the best way is to buy a router probably Linksys WR54G, i read this router works with Linux and Ip tables.
  5. E

    [Help] How to change value on Dreambox 500s

    Thank you for help The problem is that I couldn't save the value. the default value is 64 and I don't know where to edit or make configuration. With default value 64 it's not receiving packets. Can you tell me how to save the file from telnet or to change another file configuration.
  6. E

    [Help] How to change value on Dreambox 500s

    Hello to everybody, My ISP has change the TTL values so I changed the dreambox TTL values and I couldn't save the file proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl How can I save the file from ftp or telnet? any suggestion? Thanks