Recent content by leoSing

  1. L

    Skys New White Cards

    Hi! is there any news with the blue card. it said it will be down in the "early 2010". stiil few m8s says it works. maybe the suspended the shutdown? Some blue cards are already valid until the end of February. how can it be? curious.
  2. L

    Sly Italia - Encryption Changes - New Cam Emu.

    WoW!! gooood news m8! by saying UR team do you mean to cli team? couldn't find the forum you have referred to. please keep updating us :)
  3. L

    The Real Deal Or The Clone

    Ok, i have google it and it got the name iDbox HD HDTV. it costs around 200 $ :-MrsC
  4. L

    The Real Deal Or The Clone

    Hi! Does the clone DM have a commercial name? or is it known as a "clone DM800"? wanna google it a little bit :)
  5. L

    Have not NDS ever been hacked?

    the information about YES hacked card is quite new for me...any links or contact people? Thanks
  6. L

    Here is some news about orbit / showtime

    wow! Why do they get rid of them? because they are old? what is going to come next?