Recent content by mici01

  1. M

    Canal+ 19.2E FTA channels

    All channels at 12168 V 29700 are FTA at the moment.
  2. M

    Free HD Weekend over Easter on ProSiebenSAT1 Channels

    Just to give the information to anyone might be interrested: The HD channels of ProSiebenSAT1 Media will be FTA from 18th to the morning of the 22nd of April as part of an Promotion for their HD channels. So Prosieben HD, Sat1 HD, Kabel1 HD, Sixx HD and ProsiebenMAXX HD (all on 11464 H 22000)...
  3. M

    F1 fans beware!

    You know that RTL Schweiz left 13E and is now broadcasting on 19E? So on 19E you now get the choice between the German, Austrian and Swiss version of RTL. All of them will show the races live and will have ad-breaks at the same time (but due to different lengths of the ads in the three...
  4. M

    Astra 1N at 19.2E

    According the German forum TP47 will be part of Sky Germany and TP33 will be used by HD+.