Originally posted by Old Satellite
A magnetic polariser is used to adjust the incoming signal from the satellite it is normally on a C120 flange. There are still many shops has to where they can be puchased . The problem is that they need from the reciever a magnetic output tyipcally either 50 MA or 100 MA at 5vdc- none of the standard digiboxs are able to provide this output.
Old Satellite
Above quote has just got me a bit worried. I have a 60 cm Nokia dish with matching LNB and get great reception on Astra 2 A & B, but no D with the Irish channels. The decoder is a Panasonic 30. I have now got a 90 cm Philips dish with a C-120 flange, which I was going to fit with a MTI universal LNB I just bought on Ebay. The C-120 feedhorn has "Cahors 76337" embossed on it. Are you saying that the Panasonic Digibox won't send the signal to the LNB to change from H to V?