Carlton / Granada protest

Channel Hopper

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'Do the honorable thing'? - Harikiri perhaps ?

Seems strange that the website given by Mr Dodd does not mention the events of the past month ie,

1) the contract that was drawn up and agreed seems to have little connection with Carlton or Granada covering financial payouts in the event of liquidation

2) The prosecutors in the last court battle appear to had no case in the beginning through either ignoring or being given poor advice by their legal advisors, resulting in

3)yet another £1m of legal fees to come out of the football clubs pockets.

Seems strange that for such a highly efficient and profitable sport for the nation, those in charge would go to the extent of persuing £180million, when many the top clubs exceed this amount each year simply to keep their eleven players fed and the grounds watered.

Misleading figures in attendance and viewing at matches which were used to promote the original tender put out to the broadcasters might constitute grounds for counter claims if any court in the land upholds the reasons for debt collecting.

Not much else they can do I suppose but boycott anything they can. How many fans have detuned channel 3 on their TV and video I wonder.


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Good points CH. Neither the league nor ITV came out of it with any credibility. In an effort to prove just how thick-skinned are both parties, the league are considering an offer from ITV of £2,000,000 to show highlights of games. Two clubs at least have banned ITV cameras from their grounds. ITV had the world at it's feet some while back but, for some reason, lost its way completely. Now it's a second-rate, wall-to-wall soap station and losing money by the second.


Channel Hopper

Suffering fools, so you don't have to.
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Jan 1, 2000
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I think it all went pear chaped when they threw Benny Hill off the telly in the evenings (oh and omnibus editions of soaps as if once wasnt enough)

In a world where those have been hit hardest by recession are the advsertising companies and those that live off the revenue generated, its not surprising that ITV, and football clubs are going to squabble over events that were entirely of their own doing.

BSKYB is certainly laughing all the way to the bank over this one.

Care to step onto the soapbox Mr Dodd ?


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Since my posting on ITV and the Footbal League, a deal has, of course, been struck and the clubs, having been kicked out of the banquet, went straight round to the kitchens to beg for a few crumbs. I can't decide which party makes my flesh crawl the most.

Now we are told the main proponents in the original ITV football debacle (Carlton and Granada) want to join forces and virtually run "Independent"(?) Television. In my posting about ITV I wrote
ITV had the world at it's feet some while back but, for some reason, lost its way completely. Now it's a second-rate, wall-to-wall soap station and losing money by the second.
Now I see that the Daily Mail has taken up this theme. Yesterday's editorial said:
So the money-obsessed nabobs who run ITV have got their way. Carlton and Granada have struck a £2.5biliion deal and intend to become a single broadcasting giant capable of fighting back against an all-powerful BBC.

How ripe. The bean counters in charge haven't a clue about creativity or good television. They have presided over a depressing slump in standards, destoyed News at Ten and virtually every decent documentary programme, lost viewers by the million, wasted billions on the digital fiasco and made a laughing-stock of once great broadcasting organisations.

Their proposed media monolith may be good for the share price but will it contribute one iota of imagination or flair to television? Will it add to cultural diversity? Will it benefit political freedom and pluralism?

The answers are sadly obvious. This is an exercise in money-making by people who understand everything about the bottom line and nothing about the needs of viewers. It would be an outrage if this merger were allowed through on the nod.

I'm pleased the Mail decided to take up and expand my theme but why no mention of BskyB?

Jimbo :)