DVB2000-beta4...its the the dogs 'nads



Uli does it again...is there no end to the guys talents..
I've just installed the latest firmware (DVB2000 beta 4)
and its seriously impressive..
I have been using firmware version 1826patched (sorry Uli),..for some time now..mainly due to the limited channel list bug..and non compatability with Aston 1.05 Cams,a problem inherrant on subsequent versions.
Both problems are now cured ..and I can confirm that 'Beta4' works fine with Viaccess 1.20 Allcam as well as the Aston...
So far I have found no bugs other than a slight hesitancy in the picture after channel change..along with a little sluggishness when scrolling the channel list.
The big feature of these later versions is the new graphical front end ..
Ive read that the software employs a whole new way of listing and accessing ppv channels...tho I havnt explored this yet..particularly PW.
As I have mentioned the channel lists are now overlayed on the picture content...using a much smaller font ..
Allowing more on screen information and extensive forward program listings on a single keypress.
Radio channels are effectively 'greyed out' making them easily distiguishable from TV channels...
Also channel groups or packages seperated by headers are highlighted for easy access and step through..
Im sure there are other features I havnt discovered as yet...but from what Ive seen so far ,this latest firmware is very proffesional looking indeed.
Makes my old 9600 look and feel like a new receiver..