

Regular Member
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Very nice BA USB image, only faults I found are when setting up I had to choose component to get hdmi out and some channels on DigiTV not clearing with camd3 such as nova sport but you can get these okay using AFF2.0e on flash.

ITV HD working with default channel list.

Tx to Zildan and RSP team.


E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

Stick Image for Kathrein UFS-910 1w or 14w

RSP menu on RED button. Former RED command was moved to PLAY

- A very good and up-to-date settings list (28E-30W)is included.
We will have frequently updated lists made by EnF70, settings you can download from RSP Panel
- We recommand you, still keep AC3 downmix on for stability and fewer (or even, no) green screens.
- We also recommend to format partitions with ext3 fs.
A few words on changes since the former E2 RSP 2.02 TDT 953:


- new libplayer2
- enable keyboard and mouse support
- enigma2_01052009
- Switch to MediaPLayerExtended
- CSAT FR fix
- wma support
- mkv AAC
- vob support
- scan and recording both working
- all scan problems and "No SID in PAT", fixed


- New WEBIF by tic2000
- RSP panel reaction speed increased
- Name server issue, fixed
- Intelligent EMU management:
- each time you choose emu install, latest revision of EMU on server are checked and menu is redesigned, to include them
- in the emu start/stop menu you will see only those that you have installed
- you cannot re-install an emu if you don't remove it first
- "RECORD" labeled partition is automatically mounted on /hdd/movie; the other partitions are mounted in /tmp/[device]
- when mounting the HDD you can see only valid Linux partition
- it supports cifs; you have to enable it in the menu and edit the configuration file (var/config/amnt.cfg) using the appropriate PC IP address,
login username and password and the folder name you want to mount.

Imagine de stick pentru Kathrein UFS-910 variantele de 14w si 1w
Meniul RSP este pe ROSU
Ce era pe rosu, e logic, acum e pe play ...

Bine de stiut... :
- imaginea contine o lista foarte buna si actuala (28E-30W). Periodic, vor exista pe serverul RSP, listele EnF70, cu care v-ati obisnuit deja,
permanent actualizate, pe care le veti putea descarca direct din RSP panel.
- va recomandam ca sa mentineti AC3 downmix ON pentru stabilitate si pentru a "vedea" cit mai putine ecrane verzi.
- mai recomandam sa formatati partitiile cu ext3 fs/

Citeva cuvinte legat de modificarile (noutatile) fata de imaginea E2 RSP 2.02 TDT 953:


- libplayer2 - nou
- suport pentru tastatura si mouse
- kernel utilizat - enigma2_01052009
- MediaPLayerExtended inlocuieste vechiul MediaPlayer
- CSAT FR fix
- suporta WMA
- suporta mkv AAC
- suporta VOB
- scanarea si inregistrarea functionale
- toate problemele de scanare si "No SID in PAT", rezolvate


- WEBIF tic2000 - NOU
- Panelul RSP rescris in proportie de 80%
- scalare autoamata in meniul emu install (se face verificare pe server la orice incercare de install emu si daca apare ceva nou poti instala)
- in Start/stop emu apar doar cele deja instalate
- nu se poate reinstala emu, fara ca in prealabil sa fi fost dezinstalat
- se face automount al partitiei cu eticheta RECORD in /hdd/movie
- la montarea HDD apar doar partitiile linux valide (in mod normal ar trebui sa montati doar sdb..)
- suport cifs inclus, se activeaza din meniu si se configureaza /var/config/amnt.cfg pentru a face automount, sunt necesare adresa IP a PC-ului,
numele de utilizator si parola de conectare, precum si numele subdirectorului Windows ce se doreste a fi montat.


E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142