Regular Member
Hi all, i have read all the post that i can find regarding gizlog1.3 and twinhan pci card. However, gizlog still does not work for me. I intsalled gizlog1.3. I also use the thstreamreader03 from I set the LOF1&2 = 10750000 (this for telstar 5 north america), fre= 10290000 (for TFC provider) and symbolrate= 20000000. Polarity= 0 (H). PID is the one i found from lyngsat, PID = 10FF. I also put the infor (MKH, HSN, PMK) from a valid card. Still, every time Gizlog run, it give me fail to open channel. I use the same set up with mytheatry, probDVB, johndec, winDTV and they all work and log well. Regarding the PID, is it the emm-PID or just the VPID provided by lyngsat? If anyone who succesfully test the gizlog1.3 and twinhan pci card, please help me. thank you in advance. by the way, i can log using twinlog and twinhan card. I then use the bin2log to convert the logged.bin to logged.txt. Never find any EMK keys. How do i know if i log garbage or not?