I am new to this web site and the whole itv on digital thing. I was wondering if any one could take a few mins to help me out with some questions.
I am looking around for a second hand digibox and want to get the cheapest method of getting all the channels, reading some articles on the forum i understand that the card and programmer(elvis) can be bought online at http://www.mb-electronics.co.uk/. Is this programmer suitable for writing on digital cards with the appropriate software and if so what is the best prog to use? Also would i get the PPV channels?
I read on the ITV digital homepage that if you share an ariel, ie. in a block of flats then the issue of recieving on digital becomes more complex is this true?
lastly do itv scramble the signal once in a while and if so then is it just a case of re-programming the card with an update?
Anyone who can take time to help me get started with the basics it will be very much appreciated!
I am new to this web site and the whole itv on digital thing. I was wondering if any one could take a few mins to help me out with some questions.
I am looking around for a second hand digibox and want to get the cheapest method of getting all the channels, reading some articles on the forum i understand that the card and programmer(elvis) can be bought online at http://www.mb-electronics.co.uk/. Is this programmer suitable for writing on digital cards with the appropriate software and if so what is the best prog to use? Also would i get the PPV channels?
I read on the ITV digital homepage that if you share an ariel, ie. in a block of flats then the issue of recieving on digital becomes more complex is this true?
lastly do itv scramble the signal once in a while and if so then is it just a case of re-programming the card with an update?
Anyone who can take time to help me get started with the basics it will be very much appreciated!