Big Ted
Big Hairy Bugger
Idiots guide to installing progdvb
1> download and install latest progdvb from
2> download and install yankse to progdvb root directory yankse/ (conax built in)
3> use attched utility to covert fun6in1 file to a softcam.key file and place it in progdvb root directory
4> start software and scan for channels, then from dropdown menu select plugins, yankse and select active and read PMT allways, also select auto PIDS, AutoECM and Force CA in PMT
You should now see all available channels.
Fault Finding....
"Device not Started"
first use drivers from and install all software
second try Start>settings>network connections> disable and re-enable the card.
Make sure that tecnnisat's TV4PC is working (green dish and picture FTA) - then you can close it.
Utility to convert fun6in1 files to softcam.key file
1> download and install latest progdvb from
2> download and install yankse to progdvb root directory yankse/ (conax built in)
3> use attched utility to covert fun6in1 file to a softcam.key file and place it in progdvb root directory
4> start software and scan for channels, then from dropdown menu select plugins, yankse and select active and read PMT allways, also select auto PIDS, AutoECM and Force CA in PMT
You should now see all available channels.
Fault Finding....
"Device not Started"
first use drivers from and install all software
second try Start>settings>network connections> disable and re-enable the card.
Make sure that tecnnisat's TV4PC is working (green dish and picture FTA) - then you can close it.
Utility to convert fun6in1 files to softcam.key file