Is my new freecam faulty????????



Is my new Freecam cam faulty? Having put my new cam into my Echostar 3600 it doesn’t seem to be recognizing it. When you turn the receiver on it just says “module not in” in both the slots

Then if you trying removing the cam and reinserting it whilst on it will say “Module insert..” You try and press ok to bring up the cam menu but nothing happens. No matter how many times you try it just doesn’t bring up the sub menu.

What the phuck is going on……..

The cam I have just bought is a freecam v2.017 but it says on the front of it Allcam SE.

Hope someone can help




sometimes this also happens with my freecam and Echostar 3000IP VA. If you take out the freecam (in and out should be done without power on the echostar the manuals says)it wil come up. Asfar as I know Allcam and freecam are about the same for reading cards. Freecam2 is just an other version. Somewhere else on this forum there is an excellent explanation af the working and settings of the freecam (by 2old4this).
Sofar I did not have any succes in reading fun or goldcards but with my freecam but the internal programmed stations Premiere, ORF, Blue Movies etc. all German stations, work fine without any card. This will work with version B017.
If you get a fun or gold card working, please let me know on this forum.

Good luck.



>sometimes this also happens with my freecam and Echostar
>3000IP VA. If you take out the freecam (in and out should be
>done without power on the echostar the manuals says)it wil
>come up. Asfar as I know Allcam and freecam are about the
>same for reading cards. Freecam2 is just an other version.
>Somewhere else on this forum there is an excellent
>explanation af the working and settings of the freecam (by
>Sofar I did not have any succes in reading fun or goldcards
>but with my freecam but the internal programmed stations
>Premiere, ORF, Blue Movies etc. all German stations, work
>fine without any card. This will work with version B017.
>If you get a fun or gold card working, please let me know on
>this forum.
>Good luck.

So if i turn me receiver off and then insert the cam and switch the receiver back on you think it'll work. Hmmmmmmm i don't know about that. First i have heard of doing that. Please don't get me wrong i value your post but i just havent heard of doing that from anyone else.

How do you view Premier then without a card?


As I told you this happens sometimes with my receiver. A reset will help. This also happens some times with my Aston CAM. It seems that the receiver hangs.

In the freecam are preprogrammed providers.There are lots of intresting discussions onb this forum about that subject. If your cam will come up it will report: FREECAM2-B017 You will on option for the goodies menu (first select option 8 of you menu = conditional acces)select your CAM and press OK on the remote handset.
Go to the goodies menu. The options ECM and EMM should be ON.
Go back to yot channels and search for the Premiere bouquet. They are unlocked without a card.

Regards Joan


Thanks joan. When my replacement cam arrives i will try what u say.

Best wishes


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Loads of places Smudger, they are not cheap though, can cost upto and sometimes more than £170:00 Sterling.

If you have a look at some magazines, What Satellite TV for one, there are many adverts from people selling FreeCams and Allcams.



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>>Please don't get me wrong i value your post but i just havent heard >>of doing that from anyone else.

it's always been the advice of manufacturers that the power be switched off when inserting/removing a CAM. Otherwise you run the risk of damaging the CAM. It's the same on a laptop. You should never just remove an inserted PCMCIA card. You should always first use the "stop" function (usually a function in the system tray) to disengage it from the op.sys. before removing it. I guess the danger is that if there is traffic going to/from the card/CAM at the moment you remove it, you can screw it up. There are a lot of connectors and it's complicated in there....
Check your user manual, and you'll find it explicitly stated (at least, it is in the ones I have).
