i have a on-dig card that has a valid mk1/ppua. (well i presume this becuase i dont know for sure) . reading various faq,s, info,s, dox etc, ive tried to work with this goldwafer/seca card. The problem is MK4 says i dont have a Valid system key when i try to load the card layout. Version 3 & 3.1 do load the card layout but never succeed in creating the mk0 to getin. they also report invalid system key.this card works ok updating every month. I just wanted to learn more by maybe creating AU card for seca providers. there are no 0c 0d 0e keys on it. i read somewhere on digital forums about this but cant find the post now and they have disabled the search function. can you help me to move on, also can some recomend a program to translate text, NOT altavista or any website based function as they require you to either paste in the text (max 150 words) or the url which wont work with a document on my harddrive. thxz in advance
keep up the good work people
keep up the good work people