According to unofficial information the pirate reception of the channels encrypted in CryptoWorks system is possible. Such digital packages as UPC Direct and DigiTurk are in danger. Thanks to the recently very popular Titanium cards packages can be opened to the pirate reception. However the software is not available in Internet as yet.
Polish Cyfra+ digital package just in time has stopped CryptoWorks encryption of the package.
Since some time, CryptoWorks encryption owned by Philips, is threatened as not very safe. However, there was no other option like original card upgrade, sometimes even in a very limited range.
We can not confirm for 100 per cent that pirate reception of the package encrypted in CryptoWorks system on Titanium cards is possible. But, we cant confirm, if this is truth that Titanium card will become most popular in Czech, Slovakia, Hungary and Turkey and in this European countries, where lives a lot of people from Turkey: Germany and Austria. At the moment, only the group of the best hackers have the software, which is not available on Internet as yet.
Source Satkurier
Polish Cyfra+ digital package just in time has stopped CryptoWorks encryption of the package.
Since some time, CryptoWorks encryption owned by Philips, is threatened as not very safe. However, there was no other option like original card upgrade, sometimes even in a very limited range.
We can not confirm for 100 per cent that pirate reception of the package encrypted in CryptoWorks system on Titanium cards is possible. But, we cant confirm, if this is truth that Titanium card will become most popular in Czech, Slovakia, Hungary and Turkey and in this European countries, where lives a lot of people from Turkey: Germany and Austria. At the moment, only the group of the best hackers have the software, which is not available on Internet as yet.
Source Satkurier