there is no such thing as a Viaccess AllCAM.
There are internal differences in the red & black CAMs - don't know what they are, but it means you need different filesets for each when using hobby cards.
don't believe everything you read. Half the time the ad copy writers don't know the correct terminology. If it really stated "conex" than that's an example of what I mean. It's "Conax".
There is no Conax AllCAM. There is no Viaccess AllCAM. There is no Mediaguard AllCAM. The reason is simple. The term "AllCAM" refers specifically to an Irdeto CAM that has been patched in such a way as to allow reception of the "Betacrypt" variant of Irdeto.
So anyone know if it's worth updating the firmware on my viacess v1.20 cam to the red-cam? Also i saw the ad in what sat for the via all cam!, got me thinking also! you will see it on page 181 company called 'international'- inspires confidence doesnt it?!! lol
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