We still have hope for BBC outside UK.


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I think we still have a hope for BBC outside UK..

30/04/03 BBC starting Astra 2D tests?
The BBC have "unlocked" one of their BBCi streams on Astra 2D enabling it to be viewed on a normal Sky Digibox. The test can be seen at 10.847/V, 22.0 and 5/6. This stream is still showing BBCi material, including BBC One South regional programming at 18:30, however the label has been showing "BBC ONE LN". This evening, the EPG stream has changed to show programme info for BBC One London, which is leading to suggest that the tests for the seperate BBC One streams are underway, and we may see additional tests in the coming week or so. For the BBC to place all of it's services on Astra 2D, it must lease another 2 seperate transponders, so we assume that is not the new home for the domestic TV services, just a way of testing them before the new leases take effect. The BBC is set to go FTA at midnight on 31st May, abandoning Sky's Videoguard encryption system. This test is, however still encrypted at the moment. More on this story as we get it.

copy pasted from http://skydigital.mediabullet.co.uk/

According to some rumours i heard on another reputable board,
BBC managers are now backpeddling with the idea of going FTA and have suggested a compromise payment deal to stay on the $ky EPG.



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I believe that they are only rumours, as I'm sure that nobody really knows what is in the minds of the BBC board, apart from the directors that is.

There is also a lot of speculation based on wishful thinking.


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what does that mean, "unlocked so it can be viewed on a normal Sky Digibox"...? BBC channels can already be viewed on a normal Sky Digibox. In fact, there is only one kind of Sky digibox, unless they know of some clever hacker who has managed to produce an "abnormal" one.
The only reason one needs a Sky Digibox in the first place is because these UK-market transmissions are "locked" (i.e. encrypted in Videoguard). Presumably the announcement should read "unlocked so it can be viewed on any normal digital receiver".



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Double dealing behind the scenes

Friday May 2, 2003
The Guardian

There are signs that the BBC and BSkyB could reach a compromise over the vexed issue of conditional access and on-screen listing for its digital TV and radio services.

It is even possible the BBC's board of governors could intervene and force Greg Dyke into a u-turn over his hard-line stance. At least, that's how it looks to me.

In March, the director general sprang his announcement that the BBC would broadcast its services "in the clear" from the end of this month, saving £85m over five years.

But at the Westminster Media Forum this week, there were signals - from the platform and from conversations - that a face-saving deal might just be possible after all. There have certainly been discussions.

The independent television commission is being asked to rule in the dispute. Technically, this centres on interpreting the "due prominence" rule in the code governing free, fair, non-discriminatory access to the Sky electronic programme guide.

The BBC wishes to retain the top slots of 101 and 102 on the EPG when it goes into the clear. It also wants BSkyB to alter its set-top software so homes can be fed the correct regional service.

BSkyB, which was taken by surprise by Mr Dyke's decision to go it alone, has offered to retain the status quo and delay the removal of the BBC for a month until the end of June, while the matter is thrashed out. It says that Ireland's RTE uses 101 and 102, and unless the BBC encrypts there would be a clash.

But at the forum Simon Terrington, managing director of consultants Human Capital, said he thought there could be a "compromise" and that this would be best for Sky viewers too. After all, they are licence payers too.

Mr Terrington's remarks are significant because he acts as an official adviser to the BBC's governors. So it was also significant that he began this presentation by praising the Sky EPG's "great value", and pointed to the disruption it would cause viewers if BBC1 and BBC2 disappeared from their customary slots.

It would also damage BBC ratings and the traffic to other BBC digital services. He noted it had taken 13 months for digital satellite homes to accustom themselves to ITV's belated appearance on the EPG three years ago. "The reason Sky is ahead of the competition is because it supplies a great consumer service".

Even commercially difficult issues, such as the launch and content of CBeebies and CBBC, had been capable of resolution despite their impact on competitors such as Nickelodeon, he noted.

The forum was the first time that BSkyB's combative Richard Freudenstein, chief operating officer of BSkyB, had appeared in public to defend the company's position. He clearly thinks it has a watertight legal case.

But his tone was less belligerent than a previous Westminster Media event in February, where the BBC argued unsuccessfully for a "must carry" clause in the communications bill to strengthen its hand in negotiations with BSkyB.

Also on the panel alongside Mr Terrington and Mr Freudenstein was Carolyn Fairbairn, the BBC's strategy director, who said it faced relegation to slots 214 and 215, between Fashion TV and Showcase.

She said the BBC was seeking amendments to the communications bill to tighten up the meaning of "due prominence", which is not defined in the ITC's regulations.

But behind the scenes BSkyB is clearly prepared to negotiate on price, in order to keep the BBC using conditional access, regarding the £85m as a starting point.

It is not impossible it could meet the BBC somewhere in the middle - say around £40m for five years, a small hike on the £7m a year it currently pays. It is thought to believe that Mr Dyke's stance has prevented a compromise other executives would back.

Mr Freudenstein said the BBC had switched tactics after it lost a two-year campaign for a "free ride". "We are happy with the BBC on 101 and 102 but they must pay for it. It's not a lot compared with what it pays for other things".

He said, on regionalisation, that the BBC had misunderstood the technical issues, and that the set-top boxes had only limited capacity. If it offered this to the BBC, it would be guilty of preferential treatment because this could be extended to anyone else - ITV for example.

The BBC was also pressed on the issue of the overspill of its broadcasts to Europe, even with the tighter footprint of the new Astra satellites Disney's representative expressed the company's concerns, pointing out that a Brussels magazine had already printed instructions of how to access the BBC for free.

Perhaps the clincher will be the government. Culture secretary Tessa Jowell also appeared at the seminar, and was in no mood to accept further amendments. And while the government is clearly delighted with fervent debate, it does not seem keen to be dragged into a dispute between broadcasters.

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