... worth noting 26/6/03



:: A new industry body has been established to help make it easier for consumers to share digital content at home. Established by 17 major consumer electronics, mobile and computer firms, the aim of the Digital Home Working Group is to simplify the process of configuring a home network. Founding companies - which include Sony, Intel, IBM and Microsoft will work together to establish a platform of interoperability, based on open standards, which designers and manufacturers can use to develop new products.

:: US anti-spam technology company ePrivacy Group is to donate a portion of revenues from its main product to anti-spam campaigners. For each sale of 'SpamSquelcher', in the US until the end of this year, the company says it will donate $1,000 (£601) to the SpamCon Foundation, while for each sale in Canada, it will donate $1,000 to CAUCE Canada - both anti-spam organisations.

:: Virgin Mobile has joined forces with EMAP's Heat magazine to support the launch of 'Text Club', a weekly gossip service to be delivered by SMS. The operator is to sponsor Text Club for three months, from 1 July. Heat readers will be invited to forward their date of birth by SMS to sign up for Text Club, in order to receive a weekly text message containing 'exclusive celebrity news and gossip'. Subscribers pay for the initial registration message, but all successive texts will then be free.

:: Email-focused direct marketing agency Inbox has been appointed by BMW to manage all of its consumer and business email marketing activity. The company will be responsible for building and managing marketing databases, creating and distributing newsletters, as well as planning email campaigns to promote the launch of the new BMW 5 series. Inbox will also integrate all email activity with the new BMW Web site as well as the car manufacturer's central database.