Recent content by nfu

  1. nfu

    What channel is D+ and Cabo?

    They're both bouquets, not single channels. You can find Cabo (Portuguese bouquet) in Hispasat 30ºW: And D+ (Spanish bouquet) both on Hispasat 30ºW: ...and in Astra 19.2ºE...
  2. nfu

    RSS Thanks

    It doesn't work very bright, I'm afraid... it misses most of the posts, and it usually displays older posts than the ones being posted. But I can't seem to understand what could be making it work bad, since it doesn't depend on the section.
  3. nfu

    softcam.key help for s2emu

    It's not tbs, it's TPS (Television par Satellite)- a french bouquet, check it's home page at: You can also check it's bouquet transmission details here: