Newbie Here Help please, Dreambox 800hd lost signal showing wrong time1st Jan 2000


May 2, 2017
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dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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Good day members

Yet another newbie in uncharted waters I am afraid.

My dreambox packed up a few months ago, switching off and on has not solved the problem which is – no signal where once there was, date now 1st January 2000.

What have I tried – I thought I had a cable/ LNB problem, disconnected and checked the cable with a friend’s meter, he suggested shorting one end of cable and checking other end to see short/ remove short and check again. Cable OK

Bought new Lnb from a company Technomate after marking position of old “case” with scribe, change back lnb after no change.

Make mention at this point, I think my box maybe not genuine after checking on this site even before I had problem

Differences from DM800 HD PVR to Cloneboxes – Gemini-Wiki

“My dream box”

On this Clone Box Mainboard is a label with DM800 REV: and the 14 pin connector is left of the sata connector.

1236 2.jpg All other including power supply images looks genuine imo,

So might be clone, what do I know.

I thought nothing to lose, so browsed around in menu and found a green screen as seen here.

As said I am green myself and wouldn’t know where to start, and some one here can guide. Can some member/s help please? Thanks in advance

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Hiya, selcome to the forum

If the operating system has got scrambled you will need to reflash a new base image to it.

My old DB7020 had 2 settings for the time - it could be picked up from the transponder being used or manually set. Ive seen the time switching to all sorts of weird things when the tp time clock was set wrong - and jumping around the channels could change it on every channel change!


May 2, 2017
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dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
Hiya, selcome to the forum

If the operating system has got scrambled you will need to reflash a new base image to it.

My old DB7020 had 2 settings for the time - it could be picked up from the transponder being used or manually set. Ive seen the time switching to all sorts of weird things when the tp time clock was set wrong - and jumping around the channels could change it on every channel change!

Hi Analoguesat
Thanks for your reply. (at the risk of exposing my lack of knowledge)
Just to be sure that I understand, I take it that the "operating system" as per dreambox is linux? "reflash" the software (flash)eg Enigma d/l from satellite or other, to make the operating system work?

from dreambox menu > "about"
kernel: linux -2.6.12-5.1-brc
release: 0400
image: 2008.12.28
Enigma: 2008.12.28


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
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North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
The DM800 normally takes the time of the satellite, if it does not have satellite signal starts as indicated 1 January 2000.
Touch to review the antenna / LNB / cable, input uses another receiver for the test.
In clones, the power supply is very bad and two electrolytic capacitors fail a year (depending on the use), sometimes it does not start, other times it is left without signal to "lose" the tuner.
If you have another source, 12 volts continuous and minimum 3 Amp., For a test with 2Amp. it works.

La DM800 toma normalmente la hora del satelite, si no tiene señal del satelite arranca como indicas 1 enero 2000.
Toca revisar la antena/LNB/cable, de entrada usa otro receptor para la prueba.
En los clon, la fuente de limentacion es muy mala y fallan 2 condensadores electroliticos al año (dependiendo del uso), una veces no arranca, otras veces se queda sin señal al "perder" el sintonizador.
Si tienes otra fuente, 12 voltios de continua y minimo de 3 Amp., para una prueba con 2Amp. funciona.

The first clone models
The modem (RJ11) has components on the top, underneath it has nothing (care).
The CPU has no heatsink or fan heatsink.
Los primeros modelos de clon
El modem (RJ11) tienen componentes por la parte de arriba, por debajo no tiene nada (cuidado).
La CPU no tiene disipador o disipador con ventilador.
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May 2, 2017
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dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
This my second power supply, first one that came with the receiver failed, I bought another 3amp rated 12 volt ebay.
I thought dream box kept the date/time like computer, thanks for explain.
Don't know if any caps failed. When the first power supply failed , I had full failure on dream box.

this bit I don't understand "(Touch?) to review)) the antenna"???? maybe lost in translation "Toca revisar la antena"

dig deep

Prince of Birthdays
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You can easily find out of it is a clone or not by opening the lid (4 screws) and then look in the right hand lower corner. (Front towards You)
There is a chip there and it will tell You what kind of dreambox You have


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
....this bit I don't understand "(Touch?) to review)) the antenna"???? maybe lost in translation "Toca revisar la antena"
To discard the satellite dish / LNB, if you can, check the installation, if you have another receiver, see if you have a signal.
The original power supplies have never seen a faulty, it is clear that you have clone.
The clone sources, weigh nothing and have a half-life of 1 year, are repaired for 0.5 € (the bad capacitors) if they do not break open.
If you can put one of 5Amp. If it is of more amperes, it does not matter, the power supplies of 3Amp. Ebay are for led strips and do not have much filter, for 2 Amp. Well, for more, very fair.

AC 100-240V Converter Adapter DC 12V 8A 96W Power Supply 5.5mm 8000mA LED CCTV | eBay
Depending on the quality of the power supply when it is damaged, the equipment can be reset when the LNB is supplied with power (if you remove the antenna cable, it starts the equipment well), in other cases it does not tune channels (date 1-1-2000) and can The tuner completely disappears.

Many clones of poor quality, have several bad capacitors (3/4 4700μF 10V) through the area of the feed entrance, is seen with the naked eye.
Para descartar que se desajustara/moviera la antena parabolica/LNB, si puedes, revisa la instalacion, si tienes otro receptor, mira si tienes señal.
Las fuentes de alimentacion originales nunca vi una averiada, esta claro que tienes clon.
Las fuentes clon, no pesan nada y tienen una vida media de 1 año, se reparan por 0.5€ (los condensadores mal) si no se rompen al abrir.
Si puedes pon una de 5Amp. si es de mas amperios, no importa, las fuentes de alimentacion de 3Amp. de Ebay son para tiras de led y no tienen mucho filtro, para 2 Amp. bien, para mas, muy justas.

AC 100-240V Converter Adapter DC 12V 8A 96W Power Supply 5.5mm 8000mA LED CCTV
Segun la calidad de la fuente de alimentacion al averiarse, se puede reiniciar el equipo al mandar alimentacion al LNB (si quitas el cable de antena arranca bien el equipo), en otros casos no sintoniza canales (fecha 1-1-2000) y puede desaparecer el sintonizador completamente.

Muchos clones de mala calidad, tienen varios condensadores mal (3/4 4700µF 10V) por la zona de la entrada de alimentacion, se ve a simple vista.

You can easily find out of it is a clone or not by opening the lid (4 screws) and then look in the right hand lower corner. (Front towards You)
There is a chip there and it will tell You what kind of dreambox You have
Missing to indicate/Falta indicar...
SIM AP2 (original).
SIM 2.01/2.10 (clone).

In many computers, in the box / equipment have a golden label that also has the sim (clone).
En muchos equipos, en la caja/equipo tienen una etiqueta dorada que tambien tiene el sim (clon).


May 2, 2017
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dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
To discard the satellite dish / LNB, if you can, check the installation, if you have another receiver, see if you have a signal.
The original power supplies have never seen a faulty, it is clear that you have clone.
The clone sources, weigh nothing and have a half-life of 1 year, are repaired for 0.5 € (the bad capacitors) if they do not break open.
If you can put one of 5Amp. If it is of more amperes, it does not matter, the power supplies of 3Amp. Ebay are for led strips and do not have much filter, for 2 Amp. Well, for more, very fair.

Code:']AC 100-240V Converter Adapter DC 12V 8A 96W Power Supply 5.5mm 8000mA LED CCTV | eBay
Depending on the quality of the power supply when it is damaged, the equipment can be reset when the LNB is supplied with power (if you remove the antenna cable, it starts the equipment well), in other cases it does not tune channels (date 1-1-2000) and can The tuner completely disappears.

Many clones of poor quality, have several bad capacitors (3/4 4700μF 10V) through the area of the feed entrance, is seen with the naked eye.
Code:']AC 100-240V Converter Adapter DC 12V 8A 96W Power Supply 5.5mm 8000mA LED CCTV

Missing to indicate/Falta indicar...
SIM AP2 (original).
SIM 2.01/2.10 (clone).

In many computers, in the box / equipment have a golden label that also has the sim (clone).

Tururu/ dig deep
Thank you for reply and also your patience.

Now if I read you right, "if I comprende todos correctamente "
If power is OK, and the dreambox switched on> I remove/disconnect LNB cable and reconnect it,
with good/ bueno power when reconnect LNB> dreambox reset> get data from satellite > correct time reset.
That would be good.

I have now got heavy Power unit, but will have to get right connect maybe maplin tomorrow?? and if above works, great, then I will buy the ebay one you suggested . OK OK.. ( I have not go another receiver unfortunately, I chucked out the old one.
Excuse my schoolboy Spanish from 60 years ago.

I have removed the d/b cover and taken some pictures.

This DM 800 Mainboard are labelet with 800 REV: and the 14 pin connector is right of the sata connector.
(non clone)

On this Clone Box Mainboard is a label with DM800 REV: and the 14 pin connector is left of the sata
connector. (as in my d/b) see picture

also picture of chip bottom right side ( note where visible on chip/sim? the letters A2P
(black sealing compound on chip)

The reason that I am worried about a clone/ non clone is because I read somewhere o was told (do not remember which) that if you try to up date a clone, your deambox is rendered useless somehow.

If this is false, and it turns out that clones work perfectly, then not too bothered.
But when I tried to installed a drive a few years ago d/b would not see the drive no matter what I did,
and I would not attempt to d/l a new image for the above reason, especially having not done it before.


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Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
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North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
The sim A2P is original (black paste as pitch/lacquer is the norm), only touch 3 originals in 12 years, you removed the modem and mislead, it will damage the power supply is not normal.
You have to look for images for the original Dreambox800S-HD, luck.
Currently not worth 80€.
La sim A2P es original (la pasta negra como brea/laca es la norma), solo toque 3 originales en 12 años, quitaste el modem y despista, que se averiara la fuente de alimentacion no es normal.
Tienes que buscar imagenes para Dreambox800S-HD original, suerte.
Actualmente no vale ni 80€.

PS: Discounting the new power supply 70€/Descontando la fuente de alimentacion nueva ni 70€.:-doh
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May 2, 2017
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My Satellite Setup
dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
The sim A2P is original (black paste as pitch/lacquer is the norm), only touch 3 originals in 12 years, you removed the modem and mislead, it will damage the power supply is not normal.
You have to look for images for the original Dreambox800S-HD, luck.
Currently not worth 80€.
La sim A2P es original (la pasta negra como brea/laca es la norma), solo toque 3 originales en 12 años, quitaste el modem y despista, que se averiara la fuente de alimentacion no es normal.
Tienes que buscar imagenes para Dreambox800S-HD original, suerte.
Actualmente no vale ni 80€.

PS: Discounting the new power supply 70€/Descontando la fuente de alimentacion nueva ni 70€.:-doh

you you certainly know your stuff.
I followed your instruction, I did not know that the dreambox volts to LNB trough coax cable, I thought it worked like a standard TV and aerial.
I disconnected and reconnected the LNB coax and bingo.
The date and time is now correct, not good signal on all channels ,on Astra 2A 28.2 example BBC good picture (SNR bar 70% /AGC 94%) channel Bloomberg no picture (SNR 0%/AGC 99%) , but I think when I refitted the old LNB althogh I used the marks I scratched for position, the lines on top for adjusting the horizontal pitch may not hatch as it were before. so if the rain stops tomorrow with the help of my wife with landline phone and mobile, i will adjust for optemun signal.

Maybe soon able to watch again "lo flamenco" and "se llama copla" on canal sur who knows.
Good man

PS: Is it possible now with pictures if my d/b clone or not, and if it is clone, can image be updated as normal??
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Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
According to the comment and the link at the beginning of the post, it is original, you will have to search the net.
In clon the image I have is from 2004-2006, to search channels is perfect, it has what I want (Dream Elite v.133dv3 BlackHole), currently my receivers are VU+.
Segun lo comentado y el enlade del principio del post, es original, tendras que buscar por la red.
En clon la imagen que tengo es de 2004-2006, para buscar canales es perfecta, tiene lo que quiero (Dream Elite v.133dv3 BlackHole), actualmente mis receptores son VU+.


To properly adjust the antenna / LNB, gently pull the antenna by moving a centimeter up/down/right/left as if it were an ear, so check if you gain some signal, if it is correct, indelibly mark the position of the antenna Before loosening the screws a little, what is enough to be able to move, but not let it loose.
Then tap the LNB (mark where it is), turn it in one direction until it loses signal, then in the other, leave in an intermediate point.
Normally all the images have a tool in the search of channels, look in satellite finder.
Select the TP / frequency and some channel that has a signal, you will have something similar to this.
Signal db, SNR/signal and AGC/quality.
Use this tool better, in a normal channel, if much low the signal can block the equipment, not here.
Para ajustar bien la antena/LNB, tirar suavemente de la antena moviendo un centimetro arriba/abajo/derecha/izquierda como si fuera una oreja, asi verificamos si ganas algo de señal, si es correcto, marcar con rotulador indeleble la posicion de la antena antes de aflojar un poco los tornillos, lo sificiente para poder mover, pero sin que este suelta.
Luego toca afinar el LNB (marcar donde esta), lo giras en un sentido hasta perder señal, luego en el otro, dejar en un punto intermedio.
Normalmente todas las imagenes tienen una herramienta en la busqueda de canales, mira en buscador de satelites.
Selecciona el TP/frecuencia e algun canal que tenga señal, tendras algo similar a esto.
Señal db, SNR/señal y AGC/calidad.
Usa esta herramienta mejor, en un canal normal, si baja mucho la señal se puede bloquear el equipo, aqui no.


On taste, I prefer science fiction, UFO, Space:1999, the satelite enthusiasm began is SAT1, watching Star Trek in German (analog 1980), in 90-93 sharing movies digitized in company servers, Star Trek Enterprise I saw it in English folded to Russian (all together) in 53ºE (2001).
Sobre gustos, prefiero la ciencia ficcion, UFO, Space:1999, la aficion por el satelite empezo es SAT1, viendo Star Trek en aleman (analogico 1980), en el 90-93 compartiendo peliculas digitalizadas en servidores de la empresa, Star Trek Enterprise lo vi en ingles doblado al ruso (todo junto) en 53ºEste (2001).


May 2, 2017
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dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
According to the comment and the link at the beginning of the post, it is original, you will have to search the net.
In clon the image I have is from 2004-2006, to search channels is perfect, it has what I want (Dream Elite v.133dv3 BlackHole), currently my receivers are VU+.

To properly adjust the antenna / LNB, gently pull the antenna by moving a centimeter up/down/right/left as if it were an ear, so check if you gain some signal, if it is correct, indelibly mark the position of the antenna Before loosening the screws a little, what is enough to be able to move, but not let it loose.
Then tap the LNB (mark where it is), turn it in one direction until it loses signal, then in the other, leave in an intermediate point.
Normally all the images have a tool in the search of channels, look in satellite finder.
Select the TP / frequency and some channel that has a signal, you will have something similar to this.
Signal db, SNR/signal and AGC/quality.
Use this tool better, in a normal channel, if much low the signal can block the equipment, not here.

View attachment 107089

On taste, I prefer science fiction, UFO, Space:1999, the satelite enthusiasm began is SAT1, watching Star Trek in German (analog 1980), in 90-93 sharing movies digitized in company servers, Star Trek Enterprise I saw it in English folded to Russian (all together) in 53ºE (2001).
Hello Turutu
you mean like Metropolis (silent sf film)

Bingo 1.5

I left out the fact that I am using a motorized 1.2 dish with a v-box positioner because it didn't seem relevant , but maybe it was, until now vbox bypassed with adapter.

I used the the channel with the weakest signal and adjusted the LNB horizontally until strongest signal point and tightened.
A problem, when I reconnected the positoner, it lost the satellite, (that is with dreambox switch off now that I know that the coax from d/b live voltage which could short out on connector) .
Have to bypass again for it to work, don't know if procedure for reconnecting and keeping satellite.
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May 2, 2017
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My Satellite Setup
dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
According to the comment and the link at the beginning of the post, it is original, you will have to search the net.
In clon the image I have is from 2004-2006, to search channels is perfect, it has what I want (Dream Elite v.133dv3 BlackHole), currently my receivers are VU+.
Segun lo comentado y el enlade del principio del post, es original, tendras que buscar por la red.
En clon la imagen que tengo es de 2004-2006, para buscar canales es perfecta, tiene lo que quiero (Dream Elite v.133dv3 BlackHole), actualmente mis receptores son VU+.

View attachment 107088

To properly adjust the antenna / LNB, gently pull the antenna by moving a centimeter up/down/right/left as if it were an ear, so check if you gain some signal, if it is correct, indelibly mark the position of the antenna Before loosening the screws a little, what is enough to be able to move, but not let it loose.
Then tap the LNB (mark where it is), turn it in one direction until it loses signal, then in the other, leave in an intermediate point.
Normally all the images have a tool in the search of channels, look in satellite finder.
Select the TP / frequency and some channel that has a signal, you will have something similar to this.
Signal db, SNR/signal and AGC/quality.
Use this tool better, in a normal channel, if much low the signal can block the equipment, not here.
Para ajustar bien la antena/LNB, tirar suavemente de la antena moviendo un centimetro arriba/abajo/derecha/izquierda como si fuera una oreja, asi verificamos si ganas algo de señal, si es correcto, marcar con rotulador indeleble la posicion de la antena antes de aflojar un poco los tornillos, lo sificiente para poder mover, pero sin que este suelta.
Luego toca afinar el LNB (marcar donde esta), lo giras en un sentido hasta perder señal, luego en el otro, dejar en un punto intermedio.
Normalmente todas las imagenes tienen una herramienta en la busqueda de canales, mira en buscador de satelites.
Selecciona el TP/frecuencia e algun canal que tenga señal, tendras algo similar a esto.
Señal db, SNR/señal y AGC/calidad.
Usa esta herramienta mejor, en un canal normal, si baja mucho la señal se puede bloquear el equipo, aqui no.

View attachment 107089

On taste, I prefer science fiction, UFO, Space:1999, the satelite enthusiasm began is SAT1, watching Star Trek in German (analog 1980), in 90-93 sharing movies digitized in company servers, Star Trek Enterprise I saw it in English folded to Russian (all together) in 53ºE (2001).
Sobre gustos, prefiero la ciencia ficcion, UFO, Space:1999, la aficion por el satelite empezo es SAT1, viendo Star Trek en aleman (analogico 1980), en el 90-93 compartiendo peliculas digitalizadas en servidores de la empresa, Star Trek Enterprise lo vi en ingles doblado al ruso (todo junto) en 53ºEste (2001).

Hello Turutu
you mean like Metropolis (silent sf film)

Bingo 1.5

I left out the fact that I am using a motorized 1.2 dish with a v-box positioner because it didn't seem relevant , but maybe it was, until now vbox bypassed with adapter.

I used the the channel with the weakest signal and adjusted the LNB horizontally until strongest signal point and tightened.
A problem, when I reconnected the positoner, it lost the satellite, (that is with dreambox switch off now that I know that the coax from d/b live voltage which could short out on connector) .
Have to bypass again for it to work, don't know if procedure for reconnecting and keeping satellite.

PS: "link at the beginning of the post, it is original"
I am slightly surprised its 100% genuine largely due to the 14 pin connector on the opposite side of the SATA to on the wiki site,but no matter.
That would explain why my setup installer was annoyed when I hinted the possibility , and why he always promises but not turn up.
live and learn (I do) :)

Last edited: 1 minute ago
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Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
"motorized 1.2 dish with a v-box positioner":-doh
Important, check the installation, wiring.
Check if the antenna/positioner does not move when connecting to the V-Box and therefore lose the signal.
Good luck, do not use V-box, jump from receivers with positioner to DiSEqC 1.2/1.3 (Usals).
Importante, toca revisar la instalacion, cableado.
Verifica si al conectar con el V-Box no se mueva la antena/posicionador y por eso pierdes la señal.
Suerte, no use V-box, salte de receptores con posicionador a DiSEqC 1.2/1.3 (Usals).



May 2, 2017
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My Satellite Setup
dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
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London e17 uk
"motorized 1.2 dish with a v-box positioner":-doh
Important, check the installation, wiring.
Check if the antenna/positioner does not move when connecting to the V-Box and therefore lose the signal.
Good luck, do not use V-box, jump from receivers with positioner to DiSEqC 1.2/1.3 (Usals).
Importante, toca revisar la instalacion, cableado.
Verifica si al conectar con el V-Box no se mueva la antena/posicionador y por eso pierdes la señal.
Suerte, no use V-box, salte de receptores con posicionador a DiSEqC 1.2/1.3 (Usals).


Again, thanks for your help Tururu, I will check coax cable again, and just to make sure, tomorrow I will check in maplins shop to find coax cable connectors that screw on, so no need for tool to crimp.
If I find any I will re-terminate cable/s to make sure.

With the coax cable from dream box connected to the LNB cable with adapter, I move the dish to positions stored I stored in v-box, with out command from dreambox, so I know that the 4wire that positions the dish is working.
The dish uses a worm drive (old fashion) so use the v-box positioner first drive to sats/ hotbird/thor/hispasat etc etc and in d/db I select sat and channel.
I will have to google "Usals" para understand what it does and how it relates to the dish, these are not everyday words for me, and I have a old brain.

Before this episode , everything was working in the right order, select sat> channel>vbox turns dish to correct sat and bingo! .

I have been trying off/on periods to get it as it was, before (the first post above)

Good Night


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
Good luck with the connectors, check that there is no hair from the dough/shield touching the live (central wire).

Suerte con los conectores, verifica que no quede ningun pelo de la masa/blindaje tocando el vivo (hilo central).


May 2, 2017
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
My Location
London e17 uk
Good luck with the connectors, check that there is no hair from the dough/shield touching the live (central wire).

Suerte con los conectores, verifica que no quede ningun pelo de la masa/blindaje tocando el vivo (hilo central).

I needed the good luck, thanks Tururu.

Dreambox now working (ie got picture/time etc back.
I bought the connectors but only used one.
I put dreambox into standby and unplugged the power> checked cables again> OK.
Connected all including vbox :(
Checked vbox continuaity, OK

I then noticed on one vbox socket, the centre terminal (not at the front/ pushed back?) also noticed dreambox coax plug centre cut off too short compared to lnb coax plug centre .
changed dreambox coax plug ( make centre longer)
Pluged into vbox socket (with centre pin pulled back)
hope you understand all that
OK OK :)

I have two other issues.
(1) dreambox reconize hard drive (in order to do backup of dreambox ) before new updates of dreambox.
(2)To make vbox work correctly with dreambox, so that when i select a channel on a satellite this does not make the dish move to another satellite (usals i think)
I will do more reading and try to understand the manual better, and hopefully and fix those problems myself. (I find the pdf user manual much easier to read, and its got pictures layout etc all in color / compared with black n white manual supplied with the dreambox missing things that's featured in PDF download). good brain exercise, help keep dementia at bay LOL
the main thing I am happy (at least I can use Vbox. find sat, d/b to select channels, not perfect but will do for now
Great forum/Great helpful members
THANKs very much

MUCHOS GRASSIS para todos :)


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)

I have two other issues.
(1) dreambox reconize hard drive (in order to do backup of dreambox ) before new updates of dreambox.....

According to image, look for the disc topic in "Devices Manager", do not format, or initialize (care).
You have to create a new mount point (Mountpoins).
For the discs it is "/media/hdd"
OK/confirm, receiver is rebooted and you already have the disc ready to operate, , normally if you already have something recorded, press the "video" key to enter the disc so you can select what you want to watch.
Segun imagen, busca el tema del disco en "Devices Manager", no formatear, ni inizializar (cuidado).
Tienes que crear un nuevo punto de montage (Mountpoins).
Para los disco es "/media/hdd"
Dar OK/confirmar
, el receptor/equipo se reinicia y ya tiene el disco listo para funcionar, normalmente si ya tienes algo grabado, al pulsar la tecla "video" entra en el disco para que puedas seleccionar que quieres ver.



May 2, 2017
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
dreambox 800hd 1.2m dish
My Location
London e17 uk


According to image, look for the disc topic in "Devices Manager", do not format, or initialize (care).
You have to create a new mount point (Mountpoins).
For the discs it is "/media/hdd"
, receiver is rebooted and you already have the disc ready to operate, , normally if you already have something recorded, press the "video" key to enter the disc so you can select what you want to watch.
Segun imagen, busca el tema del disco en "Devices Manager", no formatear, ni inizializar (cuidado).
Tienes que crear un nuevo punto de montage (Mountpoins).
Para los disco es "/media/hdd"
Dar OK/confirmar
, el receptor/equipo se reinicia y ya tiene el disco listo para funcionar, normalmente si ya tienes algo grabado, al pulsar la tecla "video" entra en el disco para que puedas seleccionar que quieres ver.
sorry still here, have to do some things for wife (the management).
back soon


Assembled with recycled parts
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
90cm motorised dishes(98x90)+fixed+multiLNB+24Unicable.
Currently 56 satellites, 61°West to 57°East.

Octagon SF8008 4K Twin, VU+Duo², VU+Ultimo4K.
Recycled as the owner.
My Location
North of Madrid (28703 Spain) -3Km of IKEA (40.545847, -3.612012).:-)
No problem, whatever the "boss" says/No problemo, lo que diga el "jefe".:D