Advice Needed Motorising Elevation for Inclined Satellites


Small Dish Man
Mar 29, 2004
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I have just been reading the Motek H180 Motor topic where a couple of contributors have added elevation control for inclined orbit satellites. From reading this topic there is a view that if the elevation actuator is introduced as a replacement for the main elevation adjustment screw then at the arc extremes it is only a skew adjustment and that correct motorisation should be on the declination offset angle?

Is this correct? if I look at my Jaeger 1224, the declination offset adjustment and the elevation adjustment both pivot the dish in the same plane. Also, if the orbital trajectory of an inclined satellite is examined, the figure of 8 traversed by the satellite is tilted more to the left or right the further the location of the satellite is to the East or West. I would have thought that the main elevation axis would raise or lower the dish in the same plane as the satellite rather than just adjust skew?

On my Jaeger 1224 EL motor, the fittings supplied by Jaeger to allow the addition of an elevation actuator clamp the actuator so that it motorises the elevation plane. The elevation actuator directly replaces the main elevation screw threaded bolt, is this a mistake by Jaeger in the design of the motorisation option for elevation adjustment?



Small Dish Man
Mar 29, 2004
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I have just been reading the Motek H180 Motor topic where a couple of contributors have added elevation control for inclined orbit satellites. From reading this topic there is a view that if the elevation actuator is introduced as a replacement for the main elevation adjustment screw then at the arc extremes it is only a skew adjustment and that correct motorisation should be on the declination offset angle?

Is this correct? if I look at my Jaeger 1224, the declination offset adjustment and the elevation adjustment both pivot the dish in the same plane.


After thinking about this, the declination offset adjustment and the elevation adjustment are only in the same plane at 0.0 degrees South. The more East or West the satellite is located then the more these two planes become apart. The contributors in the "Motek 180H" topic are correct when using the declination offset angle as the motorisation axis for inclined orbit tracking.

Jaeger 1224 owners beware, the factory default elevation motorisation point on the motor will give less accurate inclined orbit tracking the further East or West of due South that the satellite is located.
