traveller needs some direction - building a list of working solutions


My Location
bound for asia
I'm new to this forum, but I hope I can enlist some help nonetheless. Of course the request has selfish roots but I hope to turn the results into something that will benefit others, especially newbies and expats.

I'm moving back to Asia for work after a few years in the U.S., and I'll end up spending time in both Singapore and Shanghai during the next couple of years, and then to who knows where.

The help I seek for myself and other is a list of the proven solutions for various CA systems (virtually all of them are used in Asia). Not looking for how-tos, since I see that as research that one should do for oneself, just want a quick list of solutions to consider as options. For example, this estimable forum has already taught me that I can use a MR (in various config) to decrypt Seca2 -- useful news to me since Seca is a system that isn't used at all where I now live but is used in Asia.

I would be very grateful for any help in building a list of working solutions for:


NDS (Videoguard)



I'll compile responses into a list and then add links to good how-tos and intros for each of the solutions. As I learn more, I'll add pros and cons.

That is, unless someone's already already done this? :-)

Thanks to all.

Ma Fei

Channel Hopper

Suffering fools, so you don't have to.
Staff member
My Satellite Setup
A little less analogue, and a lot more crap.
My Location
It really does depend on what you are interested in watching, not the encryption

What floats your boat ?


My Location
bound for asia
Thanks, Channel Hopper.

The encryption matters a little bit since I'd like to be able to renew my involvement in this hobby while I'm in Asia -- so I'd rather stick to signals that one can fiddle with in some way as opposed to those that I could only watch with a subscription.

I'm hoping to test/watch at least one but preferably some of these:
C-SkyNet (viaccess 2.4)
UBC (irdeto 2)
ExTV (videoguard/nds)
Astro (seca/mediaguard)
Zee (seca/mediaguard)
StarTV (videoguard/nds)
Dream (nagravision rom11(?))

I don't yet know what kind of equipment will be available to me in China, but that will also be a limiting/enabling factor -- or at least something I should take into account the next time I go shopping.

Thanks for any suggestions. I appreciate the help.

Ma Fei