Recent content by dazzer

  1. D

    Noob... What do I buy

    Handy links for me Razor, I'm only 20 mins away from one of them. I'm off to the shop on saturday to spend some cash on a receiver depending on whats on the shelf !! Regards, Dazzer
  2. D

    Noob... What do I buy

    Thanks for the quick reply Razor. I'll be back:) Dazzer
  3. D

    Noob... What do I buy

    Hi, I'm in the same situation as longstockings. In fact I'm in the south west too !! I've been into satellite stuff in the past but I moved into a cheap flat with the missus in order to save enough money to buy a house. Didnt realise at the time there was a "no dish" rule and I lost touch with...