Recent content by hubertk

  1. H


    It's a 80cm fixed
  2. H


    Hi Robbo, can u please tell me how to get the satellite step by step? just like a tuto. am a baby in it and It look likes the way I proceed is wrong. I just go in Antena setting and start moving the dish.
  3. H


    Thanks Robbo for your help, my dish is bigger than the sky one so about 60 or 80 cm. how shall I work it out?
  4. H


    I used 11785h 28800 I'v been told that's was the strongest one
  5. H


    Hello every one, I really need help. Imouved my dish to Thor and got 60% of signal. When I tune my receive, no chanels coming up. What can I do, with my technocom X-300 in Star track? Thanks lots to help me.
  6. H

    Eurosport English

    Hi Every one, I've got Startrack 2100c, I can receive Eurosport, but only audio, what can I do to have the picture? thanks
  7. H

    Lost my Art Sports channels.

    hi all, Ive got Star track 2100ce. Art's no working, anybody can help me how to watch premiership? Hub
  8. H

    Star Track starsw

    Hi all, Ive got star track 2100ce, anybody knows where can I watch premiership as TPS is gone. Many thanks.