Recent content by louis01924

  1. louis01924

    Dragon Cam problem

    you should get sly italia on 13e and tps and many more .if you donn't then program the card again and load the cam.
  2. louis01924

    prima fila

    you get it with dragon cam m8
  3. louis01924

    Dragon cam 3.01 vs 3.02 Firecrypt

    *olgasarse yes if you have the latest files
  4. louis01924

    Dragon cam 3.01 vs 3.02 Firecrypt

    you donn't need a card for dragon cam.
  5. louis01924

    Conax Keys on W1

    you can get 1w with dragon cam m8
  6. louis01924

    Dragon Cam Programmin

    yes m8 you can program the cam with fun card 7(prussian card 5). i use infinity usb to program the card. if you need more info on how to program the card let us know .