Recent content by PieterD

  1. P

    Mounting a network share at boot time.

    One of the problems is that i get the message Cannot read /etc/fstab: No such file or directory after telnetting mount -a After telnetting mount -t cifs -o user=xxx,password=yyy // /mnt/hdd i get the message Mounting // on...
  2. P

    how to set a usb Cardpro for CCcam

    I have a Multipro Cardpro cardreader/writer, which i want to use on my linux (clarkconnenct) server to make my local card vissible. Anyone knows how to do that: what are the correct settings in CCcam.cfg? PieterD
  3. P

    Mounting a network share at boot time.

    Dear Billnot, Does that trick also work for a networkdisk, on which are two directory's: one which requires a user and password and one which doesn't require user or password, to a directory on the one which doesn't need user and password. PieterD