Recent content by RS900

  1. RS900

    does fibo 90 got a side feed support arms

    Now a 95% of mechanical part for Fibo polar mount are complete. Here some pictures, how it looks, possition/angle sensor 13 bit absolute encoder and two end switches. Idea was to fix encoder code to controller for polar mount end positions, calculate midpoint - south after that make some...
  2. RS900

    does fibo 90 got a side feed support arms

    RimaNTSS, thank you for your welcome. At the beginning, i need understand myself some basis of physics for missed part (feedhorn) to renovate, and then try to build. Now things are new and interesting for me, will see how and when project are finished. I hope Fibo will return with new self-made...
  3. RS900

    does fibo 90 got a side feed support arms

    No, it is a right sized sub-reflector i think original, just there are 90 written on them above FIBO.