Recent content by SIMPLE_ADAM

  1. S

    MII in India

    Is it possible to use the MII (or Diablo) hack for StarTV in India or is it good just for DigitAlb?
  2. S

    quick question

    How much would a yearly full sub to BSkyB cost? (too lazy to pick up the phone...) Thanks, Adam
  3. S

    UPC Netherlands

    Thanks m8 As I'm into satellites perhaps you can recommand a cable forum? Adam
  4. S

    UPC Netherlands

    My friend has been asking me if UPC Netherlands is hacked like other Nagra packges around Europe. Anyone know the answer to that one?
  5. S

    General question re CAMs

    What is the added value of CAMs. If a system is unhacked then all you benifit from a CAM is that you can use a sub in various types of boxes, and if a system is hacked then... basically the same benifit, or am I missing something?
  6. S

    How To Get The Sky In India .

    so what you're saying is that there is no sky in Idia, just fog? ha ha ha