Recent content by stoobee1

  1. S

    Calling Sky from abroad

    I have a UK mobile but I will only use this as a last resort since at 60p/min it's too expensive. I can call from a fixed line to the UK for 1 cent/min. Let's hope the commission finally forces mobile operators to reduce their roaming charges. I read some people successfully used Skype. Can...
  2. S

    Calling Sky from abroad

    Has anyone found a successful way to call Sky from abroad to upgrade/downgrade subscriptions etc? I know I can't call directly from outside the UK even if I disable caller id since the call will be flagged as international. Does anyone know a UK-based callback service or other indirect method...
  3. S

    Dutch Canal Digitaal - need help!

    I'm beginning to think it's not possible to activate this card with a DM500. I've sent an SMS and re-activated on the website several times, still nothing over the course of several days. The last resort is the 80cpm 0900 number. The card reader works fine with another S*ca2 card and updates...
  4. S

    Dutch Canal Digitaal - need help!

    Card was in facing down so no problem there :) Can you give me some tips or link to info on the settings that should be set in the conf files? From reading other forums I get the impression it may well just be that CD haven't sent the keys yet so may require a call to their 20cpm 0900 number or...
  5. S

    Dutch Canal Digitaal - need help!

    Can anyone tell me which S*ca2 SoftCAM is required in a DBox DM500 to activate the 80 euro CD card? The card is in the box and I've pumped the card number into the website to activate it and it said wait up to 30 mins. Still nothing. Tried several CAMs as suggested by sat4all but no change...