I have an AD3000ýp and Freecam2 017, which worked perfectly on via and irde channels (as long as I had the codes of course) This weekend
I was trying to get my channels in to an order using one of the editors for AD3000. At one point I lost my via channels. Now when I reset my cam Wallbanger 3.81 says crypt OK but nothing happens. Normally I would see GO "Whatever the channel". It still works with Irde channels such as Disney Channel, so the season interface and connection is still OK. I thought I meesed up something in the frimware, so I loaded the v5.00 and updated from the sat to v7.00. still the same problem. Any ideas? Need help asap household members are about to kill me? "Don't fix it if ain't broke"
I was trying to get my channels in to an order using one of the editors for AD3000. At one point I lost my via channels. Now when I reset my cam Wallbanger 3.81 says crypt OK but nothing happens. Normally I would see GO "Whatever the channel". It still works with Irde channels such as Disney Channel, so the season interface and connection is still OK. I thought I meesed up something in the frimware, so I loaded the v5.00 and updated from the sat to v7.00. still the same problem. Any ideas? Need help asap household members are about to kill me? "Don't fix it if ain't broke"