Advance question in CCCAM expert are welcome to answer


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I have a card which have 2 securities one is Conex & 2ndone is Seca-1 my CCCAM 2.1.2 automatically read Conax because card is mailny based on conex & seca as 2nd security. problem is that few channels are completely on Seca & few on Conax completely. Can someone through some light on this issue that 1st CCCAM read Conax & after few seconds it also read Seca-1. I think there is some game of sleep function in it but how to use it.Moreover I seen Seca Handeler in CCCAM.CFG is there anything which can help us to read our card as Seca-1 & can we give priority to Seca over Conex fromSeca handeler as well or not.Anyone of u if know any member of CCCAM Team plz report my post link to them we are in a big trouble in Asia related to Dish TV. Any idea in this regard will be appreciated.


Dreambox Gimp & Coder
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If it's Seca 1 then according to the explanation in the CCcam.cfg from version 2.1.3 the Seca Handler parameter is not applicable. It only refers to the use of Seca 2 and 3 as shown below.

# The seca handler is used to better support simulcrypt on the same ident
# With this setting you can change the behaviour of how SECA has to be used
# This setting is ignored unless SECA2/SECA3 simulcrypt is detected!!
# When disabled CCcam behaves like previous versions
# When "prefer SECA3 over SECA2" is enabled try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
# When "Ignore SECA2" is enabled, ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
# When "Ignore SECA3" is enabled, ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
# The following settings can be used
# SECA HANDLER: <value>
# <value> : 0 = disabled, 1 = prefer SECA3 over SECA2, 2 = prefer SECA2 over SECA3, 3 = Ignore SECA2, 4 = Ignore SECA3
# default: 1
# Example try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
# Example try to use SECA2 ecm first, then SECA3
# Example to ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
# Example to ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle


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I know my dear but I have seen people who are running Seca 1 in purely cccam as well. Something must be tricky to do that. If someone here anything relevant clue plz share


Dreambox Gimp & Coder
My Satellite Setup
2 Dreamboxes..........
--- DM 8000 HD PVR &amp; DM 800 HD ---
Motek SG2100 &amp; Triax 80cm Dual LNB
------ Fixed Dish 28e Quad LNB -------
---- Sly HD Full &amp; 24&quot; Apple iMAC ----
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You'll have to try and expand a little on what you're trying to do as I have no experience of this type of card.
Are you saying your provider transmits some channels in Seca and some in Conax and your single card can decrypt them both ?


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Yes, you are right my dear card contain two encryption but CCCAM play only one encryption that is Conex & not the Seca-1 some people I seen also playing Sec-1 in purely cccam but they are not exposing that thrick.


Dreambox Gimp & Coder
My Satellite Setup
2 Dreamboxes..........
--- DM 8000 HD PVR &amp; DM 800 HD ---
Motek SG2100 &amp; Triax 80cm Dual LNB
------ Fixed Dish 28e Quad LNB -------
---- Sly HD Full &amp; 24&quot; Apple iMAC ----
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It may well be a 'Trick' the card could possibly be in NewCS. My best advice at this point is to try NewCS if you haven't done so already.


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I have a bit of experience with s1 handlers. My current setup is through newcs but because of what B16MCC stated about the seca handler config, I'm using newcs 165 on one box running my seca cards (basically newcs is hardcoded with the seca handler=2 in newcs 165 and =3 in later releases). All other cards should be fine with 167RC1. Obviously this was my solution with more than 1 box available so hopefully this information can somehow help you as well.


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My dear could you elobrate more as I have more than one boxes. I tried pure newcs but it opens only Conex channels & no seca was open. Colud U guide me more that how U make possible to read newcs to read Seca card? in my case the card is basically of Conex type that is the reason why it detect it as conex only and not as seca. Some people are running it in Newcs via enabling Redgast I done that thing too but no success only conex worked for me when i put R-lines in CCCAM.CFG. I think there must be some special point in CCCAM.CFG which make it possible to read the Seca-1 too. If you have any clue related to this then share. :)


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I don't know the card you mention but different versions of newcs support different cards. For my seca cards, I have to use version 165 which doesn't work for example with NDS3 cards so you must test different configs. Hopefully there is a combination of cs+client which will work for your card


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No my dear as I mention above that some people are runnning that card in pure CCCAM which mean there must be some hidden step or anything like that in CCCAM which can do that. I notice only one thing in that & that is it shows providers in a line individually in vertical line colum in PHPCCCAMINFO which are similar as we see in Redgast but in Redgast only difference is that they are in horizontal direction. Anyone if have some idea how can we make individual providers of each channel in CCCAM?