anyone offered to buy itv digital



after the collase of itv digital has anyone botherd to put an offer in to buy the company??
why have bskyb, bbc or ntl or any other madia company not put an offer in :(


Believe it when I see it Admin.
Staff member
May 1, 1999
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Technomate 5402 HD M2 Ci, DM7000s, Transparent 80cm Dish, Moteck SG2100 DiseqC motor, lots of legacy gear. Meters: Satlook Digital NIT, Promax HD Ranger+ spectrum analyser.
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Several companies are looking at it, Sky would not be allowed to, the BBC are not particularly geared up to run a pay TV service and probably aren't allowed to under the charter, but I believe they are in talks with others over providing content. There are a couple of posts regarding this in Miscellaneous or News and Announcements.



post #1

BSkyB has been invited to join the coalition of free to air broadcasters bidding for the ITV Digital licences.

Steve Morrison, the chief executive of Granada, said the pay TV operator would be welcome to set up a new digital terrestrial platform with the BBC, ITV, Channels 4 and 5 and S4C.

"We are in discussions with the other free to air broadcasters and there may be a pay TV operator that wants to join our consortium. So we could have a free to air platform with a pay element," he said.

Asked if this would mean BSkyB teaming up with the BBC and ITV, Mr Morrison said: "We are open to it. It is up to them."

Today's warm statement shows a considerable thawing in ITV's attitude towards BSkyB.

Granada and Carlton Communications, the co-founders of ITV Digital, helped trigger an office of fair trading inquiry into BSkyB two and half years ago, after lodging a complaint over the satellite broadcaster's prices for carrying its Sky sport and movie channels on the then ONdigital.

However, it also exposes a potential fault-line in any joint venture ITV may enter with the BBC.