Backed up my Image but then.....


Mar 29, 2008
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My Satellite Setup
DM800 - Nabilosat v0.8 AG /
DM500 - Gemini 4.2 /
XSAT 430 /
Xcruiser 250 /
H-H Motek 2100A /
1m Dish /
SATS: 146E, 138E, 134E, 122.2E, 108E, 95E, 75E
My Location
English living in China
I have been trying to get my Clone box to work with an H-H mount, it would not output the power to rotate the mount on every restart so i thought that i would perform an image change. In fact i had used the DCC software when i first purchased my DM500 box so i performed another back-up just to be sure and then i flashed new and different images on to the Clone. I did not get very good results and found that I preferred the old Image that i had (Gemini 4.2), so thought that I would just re-install the original image from my back-up file. I did this but to my horror now find that the box is not as it was and that i have lost the original look of the Image and also things are not working as they did before. Such as the CCcam 2.0.8 and the card reader.

I have the following questions, although too late to assit me they might be useful for other users and help me to understand more about this fraustrating little box:

1) So what does the "Back-up" feature do in DCC if it does not make an exact copy of the Image and the setting? What did I do wrong to have lost my previous settings? Is there a software that can completly copy (clone) the box to allow another box to be formatted exactly the same.

2) Now that i have re-installed the previous back up is there anything that i can do to recover the previous functionality? (I also made a "manual" copy of the original ROOT folder but that does not have any of the "System Links" so i doubt that it is much use....or is it?

3) Now when the box is restarted it always starts the "common interface" rather than the "CCcam 2.0.5" how can i get the box to automatically start the CCcam 2.0.5 as it used to do before?

4) What is the difference of the other option "CCcam 2.0.5/NewCS 1.50" compared to the CCcam 2.0.5? why when i tried to install the CCcam 2.0.8 using the "e1-CCcam_2.0.8_080227.tar.gz" file copied in to the /TMP folder on the DB and then executed from the Blue panel, does it not now appear in the interface selection list (still shows CCcam 2.0.5)?

5) Why does my encryption card now not work in the DM card slot, is it something to do with the CCcam set-up? I have the card for 146 deg Agilia2 channels.

Sorry for somany questions and the long ramblings but after 2 days of reading the idiots guide and many many posts, I'm still none the wiser :confused


A nonymous

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Press the blue button and change the emu to the right one :D

I'll answer the rest later as i'm a bit pushed for time at the moment.




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Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
DM800 - Nabilosat v0.8 AG /
DM500 - Gemini 4.2 /
XSAT 430 /
Xcruiser 250 /
H-H Motek 2100A /
1m Dish /
SATS: 146E, 138E, 134E, 122.2E, 108E, 95E, 75E
My Location
English living in China
Thanx Nanochicken,

Yes i know that i can manually change to the correct CCcam with the blue button....just before i re-flashed the image it was automatically taken care off and the active CCcam started on boot it is the common Cccam that starts every time.......

A nonymous

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Right firstly which image are you using as that would be a great help.

To be honest with you mate i usually don't make full back ups for my 500 and 600. I only ever make backups of my 7020 images using flashwizard.

I usually just copy all the transponder info using Dreambox edit off my 500 & 600, and then copy all my Cccam config files using FTP.

Its a bit long winded but it works. I've never used DCC so i wouldn't know what it copies and what it doesn't.

NewCS as far as i am aware is just a card reader.
It can be run at the same time as most other emus like CCcam, MGCamd, gbox etc etc.
It basically just reads the card for the emu.

I know you have to use NewCS to read a Sky Italia NDS3 card

When you switch the receiver to a certain emu it should by rights keep that emu every time it restarts.

Which card do you have? Dream Satellite or 146 Sky-Net as they both use different encryptions although as far as i am aware CCcam should handle both of them.

You should be able to download all the emus you need from the blue button or are you using a Nemesis Image :confused

To be honest if you have a clone i would be looking at the Eaglebox image as it gives an option to increase the power to your motor.
500 original and clones are notoriously bad at powering DISEqC motors.

You have to install it using Dreamup :toke:




Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
DM800 - Nabilosat v0.8 AG /
DM500 - Gemini 4.2 /
XSAT 430 /
Xcruiser 250 /
H-H Motek 2100A /
1m Dish /
SATS: 146E, 138E, 134E, 122.2E, 108E, 95E, 75E
My Location
English living in China
Thanx Nanochikin,

You use that FlashWizardPRO 6.3 and what does your back up contain, i.e. can you completely wipe your box and then re-instate it back to how it was before with all settings and user defined settings and channels?

My Image is GP 4.2 according to the boot screen and the "About" screen.

Are there any step by step guides to installing and making the CCcam and EMU to read the card? I mean i have read what i can from this site and others but it is still not clear exactly to me.

My card is for DreamTV on E146 Degs.

I tried to download the latest CCcam 2.0.9 fusing the Blue panel and Gemini server, but the error message comes that there is insufficient space.

I have not tried the EAGLEBOX image yet, I may give it a go, however i first need to be able to get the EMU and CCcam working on any image to know that i can do it. I'm very slightly more familiar with te GP 4.2 image as that is what was always on this box from new, so i guess that to be able to crack this image with the set up would then help me to try other Images.

Is there a place where user written scripts and tricks are available for others to download and tryout? I'm sure that most of you experts have lots of little tricks that could help out the rest of us........not so smart dummies!

Thanx again for your answers.


The Consumate Dreamer
Staff member
Jan 1, 2000
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My Satellite Setup
1 GigaBlue Quad plus, 1 Dreambox 5620, MOTECK SG2100A DISEqC Motor, 120 cm noname offset dish, Humax 95 cm offset dish and a few UK digiboxes.
My Location
Somewhere where the Sauer is Kraut and the Wurst is Brat
I see you got the Chicken helping you, so you are in the best care! I don't know that much about the peculiar problems of the 500, but if you loaded the image and there isn't sufficient space, then there is something wrong.

Basically, after you install the image (I use flashwizard pro) you should set up your communications, and then download the cam and the cam config. If you want to, download the hacksat updater as well. There should be enough space for that. If you download anything else, such as 2 or 3 cams you might get a problem with space on the var.

*Beware of the later Gemini images as they will destroy your clone (search for the thread about this).

*If I was you I'd install the flashwisard, re-install a clean Image and try to install the cam.

If you are successful, then you can backup the whole lot with the flashwizard, I use it all the time.

Try this and see what happens :)

A nonymous

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Its all becoming clear now :D

So basically you've run out of memory to store anything else.

Firstly have you installed any skins or picons as these take up a huge amount of space. I only have one skin running on my 500 clone and no picons with 3 emus and i still have about 20% left in Var.

I'm also guessing that it may depend on what clone you have as i'm sure i read somewhere that some of them have more memory than others :eek:

What i would do is do a full factory reset so it will dump all the unnecessary skins etc etc and give you a decent amount of memory to work with. You will find this in menu 4 in the expert menu. (See pic)

Set up your communications again from the expert menu from menu ->6 and then reinstall just the cam that you need to use.

If your having problems reading your card try newcs/cccam although in all honesty i think CCcam, 2.0.9 will probably do the trick on its own.

Once you have got it reading your card you can then start to add other things like the Hacksat key updater (if needed - im not sure whats open in your part of the world :D) and a must to check up on cccam is CCcam info 1.1 which i think can be found from the blue button and if not you will find it in the database section over at IHAD :)

Once its running you can then add skins etc etc until you run out of space although i must admit i always try to keep 10% back in VAR just in case :cool:

As with Flashwizard i've only had limited success with it on my 500 & 600 which is why i do everything on these boxes manually. Its works brilliantly on my 7020 and does everything perfectly.

Tools that are a must for a 500 are Dreamup and Dreambox edit :toke:

Hope this helps mate :D




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The Consumate Dreamer
Staff member
Jan 1, 2000
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
1 GigaBlue Quad plus, 1 Dreambox 5620, MOTECK SG2100A DISEqC Motor, 120 cm noname offset dish, Humax 95 cm offset dish and a few UK digiboxes.
My Location
Somewhere where the Sauer is Kraut and the Wurst is Brat
Hey Nano, I see you got Fox on your box, what sat and station??

A nonymous

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I think that screenshot was off Sky Italia, Can't remember to be honest mate.

I keep loads of screenshots for various things so i don't have to keep redoing them when i post on the forums:D




Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
DM800 - Nabilosat v0.8 AG /
DM500 - Gemini 4.2 /
XSAT 430 /
Xcruiser 250 /
H-H Motek 2100A /
1m Dish /
SATS: 146E, 138E, 134E, 122.2E, 108E, 95E, 75E
My Location
English living in China
nanochickin said:
Its all becoming clear now :D

So basically you've run out of memory to store anything else.

Firstly have you installed any skins or picons as these take up a huge amount of space. I only have one skin running on my 500 clone and no picons with 3 emus and i still have about 20% left in Var.

I'm also guessing that it may depend on what clone you have as i'm sure i read somewhere that some of them have more memory than others :eek:

What i would do is do a full factory reset so it will dump all the unnecessary skins etc etc and give you a decent amount of memory to work with. You will find this in menu 4 in the expert menu. (See pic)

Set up your communications again from the expert menu from menu ->6 and then reinstall just the cam that you need to use.

If your having problems reading your card try newcs/cccam although in all honesty i think CCcam, 2.0.9 will probably do the trick on its own.

Once you have got it reading your card you can then start to add other things like the Hacksat key updater (if needed - im not sure whats open in your part of the world :D) and a must to check up on cccam is CCcam info 1.1 which i think can be found from the blue button and if not you will find it in the database section over at IHAD :)

Once its running you can then add skins etc etc until you run out of space although i must admit i always try to keep 10% back in VAR just in case :cool:

As with Flashwizard i've only had limited success with it on my 500 & 600 which is why i do everything on these boxes manually. Its works brilliantly on my 7020 and does everything perfectly.

Tools that are a must for a 500 are Dreamup and Dreambox edit :toke:

Hope this helps mate :D



Thanx again nanochikin,

I have now re-installed my backed up IMAGE, however then i notice that the settings were all back to default as per my previous post above. I then manually copied back eack of the folders from the manual back up that i had performed originally. Now i think that i have the DM box back to how it was operating before i started down this rocky road.

If i go to the Blue panel and then select "addons" then sepect "Setup" i can see that FREE: 444.5K and USED: 75% this OK for the DM500 memory usage wise?

If I go to the "Memory Info" then it shows as Total: 29.5M Used: 22.3M Free: 7.3M

In the Plugins I have:
HackSat Key Downloader v8
CCcam Info 1.00
Satan Keys Manager
start Ngrab recording
stop Ngrab recording

I did install the Hacksat key downloader, CCcam Info and Satan Keys Manager when i took my DB to Africa recently, but i do not think they worked anyway. When i purchased the box from a local chinese seller it came set up with servers set up, i think.......i have no idea how this all works but I'm able to watch several different channels using the DM box. However i can not get the DM box to work properly with my new H-H mount, it will not drive the mount and the green light on the H-H mount does not light up. Also channels are show as No service available and i note that the signal "SNR" is only around 68% and AGC around 60%, i can not get a lock or Sync check mark.

If i connect up my X-Cruiser box then it can operate the H-H mount perfectly but unfortunately that is running a "Softcam key" which might be something like or the same as Gbox but again I'm not sure and can not get the keys that i enter in to the softcam to open the locks.....

So, I'm kind of stuck with nothing to watch and a very un happy wife as i have spent the last 5 days totally engrossed in satellite and the internet trying to find the solutions....... Any other advise that you can give me or help with?

A nonymous

Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
You won't ever get one of these clones to work a motor properly, they just don't have the available power to operate them :-ohcrap

If your other receiver has an lnb loop through you could just use the one box to operate the motor and then let the Dreambox clone take over.

I had to do it with my clone. I used my Technomate TM1000 to operate the motor and then used the clone to watch the program.

The port with the blue line goes to the motor/lnb and the port with the red line goes to the other receiver :eek:

Unfortunately everytime you move the motor you have to switch off the clone, move the dish with the Technomate, then switch it off then switch the clone back on to watch the program :-doh!

Its a bit long winded but it works :toke:




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