Dunno if this'll help you - pinched from another boards FAQ:
At Last!! Zeus Idiots Guide >>>>>>>
Sorry for the delay, I only got the programmer this morning!
Right here we go, you can either Print this off or use it 'On The Fly'..
First of all make sure you are using an unregulated power supply, set at 12V with the + (Pos) at pin(Centre).
Put your gold card into the programmer with the Gold Contact face down.
The Jumpers on the top right (Next to the 2 tansistors) should be set at 1-2, 2-3,2-3.
Open your programme (Im using Card writer 1.82 for this guide).
Look on the right of the programme window, set as follows:-
Oscillator- RC
Wdt- OFF
Pwrte- ON
Now, in the centre of the window look for the '16f84+24c16' tab and click on it.
At the top, click on the 'Load1' button and direct the prog to your pic.hex file, then click the 'Load2' button and direct the prog to your eeprom.hex file.
At the top look for and click on the 'Write' icon, the programmer will ask you to make sure the programmer is in 'Mode2', this is with the mode switch(Next to the power input) OUT. then click ok,it will inform you all data will be lost, click on 'Ja', it will then load the loader file, then you will be asked to put the programmer in 'Mode0', this is with the mode switch IN, then it will programme the card with the eeprom file, it will again ask you to put the programmer into 'Mode2', switch is OUT, then it will prog the card with the pic file......... wait for it to finish and that should be your gold card (AU or RU) programmed.
*** A word of Warning*** this programme will not keep your settings!, so please make sure you alter the settings to those above each time you either open the programme or change the type of card you are using.
** My own personal thoughts on Zeus**
Ive used a few programmers in the past, the best one Ive used so far is the 'Elvis' multiprogrammer with MP6 software, its quick and easy to use and Ive never had a problem with either.
The Zeus on the other hand is slow and unfriendly, it took me a while to work it out because the information on the site was WRONG!
Zeus will work and will programme your gold cards without much problem if you use the 'Idiots Guide' above, but for ease of use and speed I would personally opt for the Elvis.