Hi there!
Panasonic's TU-DSB30 main chip is (Panasonic) MN2WS002AD in BGA
with a AM33 risc core @ 121Mips. DACs are 2x AK4317VF (18bit, dac, mixer).
The BGA has a IEC958 (S/PDIF) output on some pins, but I cannot get the pdf. With a small mod we could have S/PDIF, ie stereo PCM, but not Dolby AC3 (5.1), due to different encapsulating protocol.
Anyway, the AC3 stream is in a different PID from mp2 audio, so digibox sw (and Bsky
should permit this selection.
Should we go buy the new Sony
or the Pace Sky+ (must be a Sky+ sub to have AC3 option?) ?
rgrds, dimitri
>trying to locate a
>digital audio signal and making a mod
>The chip in question was manufactured by Philips, I have a
>Panasonic box, I still live with a miserable analogue signal