h3r3 c0m3s a n00bi3 thr34d 4b0ut pr0gr4mm3r5 & c4rds


Jan 2, 2005
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Ok was passing bit of time in ebay not looking for anything really then i fell across the topics etc about card programmers etc at first seemed straight forward now about 4 hours on and many google searchs later i have landed here confused,dazed and mentally battered but it seems the basic og nfo i couldn't not find the answers so gonna make an idiot outta myself and ask you guys them since you seem a helpful bunch.

Ok i don't have pockets of cash to use so i have to try get it right first time round.I have normal Pace Digibox and i subsribe to sky which i have done since 1988 :) for my sins.

Now i love my computers building rebuilding so this kinda has my interested peaked on 2 sides.

stupid part now.....lol

without me buy a new receiver or anything is there good points to buying a Infinity Phoenix USB Programmer?If so what?What are Fun Cards?Again with just my Pace and sky digital abd say a Infinity Phoenix USB Programmer what would be best uses and what would be the best Fun cards to use.I seen in a few places i was reading card cloning what is card cloning?I read a guys post were he cloned his main card to use around the house in his recievers to save him buying extra subscriptions.Is this possible?

geez i read that over hell i sound like a dumbass just after reading many posts here it seems it may be a nice side hobbie to look at (better than having to talk to er in doors)

thanx for helping this old dog


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Dec 10, 2004
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Hi Max_a_Broke,
a lot of questions, and hopefully I can help with a few.
First, don't get into this hobby to save money, it seldom works like that, due to your location you are on the edge of a lot of footprints and so will need a largish dish for most satellites, although other members who live nearby can give more precise details, I think 90cm would be a minimum, and I'd look to over a 1m. Check this site for footprints and satellite channels:

I haven't bothered with S*y , so I don't own a digibox, but from what I've read they're not much good for this hobby, as they have problems remembering other satellite channels apart from S*y, and do they have a CI slot? To get the most out of this hobby, the minimum you would require is a new receiver, depending on your expertise maybe a dreambox, which is an enthusiasts receiver which you can link to your computer and the internet. The advantage of the dreambox is that you wont require too much extra in the way of Cams and cards, to receive the available channels, but even they, at the moment, seem to require a MII card for Con*x and dragon cam for S*y Italia.
You will require a phoenix card programmer, for programming a card such as the MII with the latest files, which can also be used for programming a Dragon Cam loader card.
A motorised dish set up is also very useful to get the most from this hobby.
Every person I know, who has got into this hobby has defunct cards, Cams, dishes, LNB's and even receivers as things change over the years, encryptions and requirements, and as it is a hobby they like to try out the latest technology, again not a good idea if you're looking to save money on a subscription.
It is a very enjoyable hobby to get into, but you tend to spend more time discussing it, finding out what's available, and the latest news, than watching the channels you can get !!!!!! If you decide to join this hobby, you'll get hooked, but I don't think you'll end up saving money.
Best wishes


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The SKy digibox is effectively useless for anything except reception of Sky No Ci slots, so they cant be expanded.

Buy a new receiver as Mickha says - prices start at around 100 UKP for a very basic one, and prices go up as you add in extra features. As for dish sizes, as with many things in life, bigger is better an 80cm is an absolute minimum size ands will give you acess to loads of channels, on numerous satellites. However if you want to explore the more obscure birds then 1m or bigger is much better.

You will need to think about motorising to get the most out of a big dish, although a dish aligned on 13 / 19E will give you plenty to start with.


Jan 2, 2005
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thanks for the reply nah computers is my first and only love as a secondary hobbie i was merely hoping i could save a few ££££ fleecing sky and spend more on computers like some here would on there main hobbie.
Basic question can a skycard be re programmed,cloned or can a new one be programmed?if so whats type of programmer suits/required and what type of card would be best for programming.And if all this was/is possible do they really work or last?

geez which my bro Max A Million would give me some of his money....lmao


Amo Amas Amant Admin
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Nov 18, 2004
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Is no
since their system is extremely secure and Sky use some sort of ident system as well which governs program distribution to customers.
If there was a buck to made someone would have beat yer to it!!!!