Happy Birthday to You.....

dig deep

Prince of Birthdays
Staff member
Sep 28, 2005
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Dream7020 and AZ Elite and a few DM800
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davecabezo (65), sfarook_1 (55), sezar05 (43), mikimaus (38), rat72 (36):)

Wish You all a very special day - lots of fun and presents !

Birth Date:19th AugustColour:OrangeNumber:1,11,22Stone:Carnelian – Roman amulet draws energy to youFlower:poppyPet:Adopt A CoyoteCareer:Horse Rider , Designer , ModelKey Features:Illusive , Alluring , ClassyNaturally good at:Moving to positions of powerCharacter:You are a flame to many moths, once met never forgotten and people will often go against their better judgment to give you what you want. Fortunately you don’t let your magnetic charm go to your head, which is in a way why it works because you are humble.Life Path:Sometimes you can let your lazy side stop you reaching your full potential. You love to bask in Success but really need to move forward. You have a cheerful and warm persona that is very attractive to others. You love s_x and can get yourself into compromising situations as you loose your judgment when presented with an erotic possibility.Love:You may have lovers who have influence or are involved in the media, you mix with the movers and shakers and are cautious of commitment. Why not try another Leo as your birth ruler is also the Sun which is the same as the ruler of you sign.Best Present:A Red Ferrari (Toy Or Otherwise) Diamond/Diamante Earrings
