HELP! Azbox stuck on bootup after CrossEPG download


Feb 16, 2012
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I have recently purchased a AZboxPremium HD which is my first experience of Linux based received. Itcame with an Enigma2 image loaded and the Spaze skin as well as othertools (CorssEPG, Coot TV Guide etc).

I have managed to break the box. It wasworking fine until I had to unplug it to fit my new TV (my son brokethe screen of my old one ). When Irestarted it I found the programme guide (saved to external HDD) wasnot working. I ran the download again, reloaded the programmes andthen went to reboot the box.

During the reboot it recognised that Ihad a new TV and went through a wizard to set up the TV setting (fromwhat I remember I selected HDMI > 1080p > 60htz). Then thescreen went blank. I rebooted the box and it said ‘VFD ready’ andthen goes onto ‘Starting bootup’ but does not go any further.Tried to hook it up to the old TV, HDD etc just to kick it back tolife but it seems to have died on me (I think form what I have readon forums).

I need to find a way of recovering thesystem (similar to Windows – sorry for having to use the W word). Iliked the box with the e2 and Spaze and recovering it back to thatmode would be ideal but it looks like I may have to get it back tothe original AZ firmeware to get the box back up and running.

I have read up on quite a few posts(seems to be a common issue when doing an image update / load) aboutusing Jazup or loading from a USB stick with a‘patch.bin’ file. Also read about jtag but not very keenon opening up the box (unless it just a case of connecting adaptorand it jolts it back to life).

What I am struggling to understandwhich is the best option for my situation as most issue are as aresult of image update / load. The Jazup seems to require IP addressbut the box does not go far enough in the bootup to show any signs ofthe IP address. The USB stick with a ‘patch.bin’file options looks good (I should be able to use my HDD onceformatted), but I do not understand what the box will be recoveredto. Will it go back to the E2 image or the original FW (not a totaldisaster if it gets the AZ FW as I have not had a change to see whatthat is like).

There is lots of infoonline but its knowing which is the bestapproach or option for me that I can use quickly and easily(relatively speaking). What im looking for is someone to say ‘yourbox is dead or not’, ‘use the batch.bin file (link to file) toget ip address’ then use ‘Jazup (or something else) to reload /recover your box back to E2 or original FW??? If that is what needsto be done.

Thanks you in advance foryour help.


Emmett Browns Ghost
Jun 29, 2009
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Hi m8 ..
Sorry to hear of you problems with your AZ box ..
As a general rule ..I always kept backups of the entire image downloaded to usb stick ...and archived on my pc ...for just such eventualities as this I know AZ images can easily corrupt and this was my way back ..
Never had Enigma on mine ...only the original AZ firmware ...and not sure of compatibility of AZpremiumHD images there were 2 boxes made version 1 and 2
mine is vesion 1
Fairly sure you should be able to write another image from your usb stick directly to the box at boot ...but wouldn't know where to start regarding Enigma this might require odd formatting ..and the image might reside on a hard drive partition rather than in the internal memory of the box ..
If it helps I'll try and dig out an old AZ genuine firmware ...that might get your box up and running again ...but beyond that need an expert with knowledge of enigma setup ..


Emmett Browns Ghost
Jun 29, 2009
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IP9000HD +
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AZbox PrmHD + OpnbxS9HD + Skybox + DrHD F15
2x VboxII AZ-EL
2 m+ Alcoa PF + BSC421 C-Band lnbf...
+SS2/TwHnS2-3200 pci/TBS6925 pci
1.5 Fortec Star -Gbox - HtoH Ku/Ka/C
My Location
Just took a look at the file size for an old AZ firmware ..
..a bit big to upload as an attachment ..approx 45 mbs

Here is a rapidshare link I found for a 2009 firmware ...
Its a bit slow (free download)..but does complete.
Make sure you virus check it before testing ...but unpack and write to a usb stick ...then install during the boot procedure..
That at least should get your box running ....then you'll need to speak to an enigma expert if you wish to return to enigma ..
Chances are the channel lists if any will be well out of date much rescanning to do.
Once you get the box running ...
Back up ALL option that way you can always go back to a known point.
good luck


Feb 16, 2012
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Vipersan said:
Just took a look at the file size for an old AZ firmware ..
..a bit big to upload as an attachment ..approx 45 mbs

Here is a rapidshare link I found for a 2009 firmware ...
Its a bit slow (free download)..but does complete.
Make sure you virus check it before testing ...but unpack and write to a usb stick ...then install during the boot procedure..
That at least should get your box running ....then you'll need to speak to an enigma expert if you wish to return to enigma ..
Chances are the channel lists if any will be well out of date much rescanning to do.
Once you get the box running ...
Back up ALL option that way you can always go back to a known point.
good luck

Thanks a million for replying to the post.

Will defiantly be backing up the programs once I have loaded them and got them the way I want them. I have a feeling that I may have selected to do a back up before I lost everything but I have no idea where that would have saved to or what the file is that I would look for. Faint chance that it may have saved onto the external HDD.

I think I will get the machine back to the original FW. I know what the Enigma2 was like so it will be good to see the AZ in its original state. I have read that the early versions had lots of bugs but the later version may be ok.

This is the latest version I have come across so far (July 11):
_ [Live URL disabled. Admin]
I think I will try what you have suggested and load from a USB stick. It sounds like a simple enough process from what I have read (famous last words). If that fails the Jazup program looks like a good options. It lets you install original FW or E2. I have attached a guide for the Jazup setup if you want to have a look.

Many thanks again


  • EN - JaZUp User Guide 2.4.pdf
    266.8 KB · Views: 495


Emmett Browns Ghost
Jun 29, 2009
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My Satellite Setup
IP9000HD +
TD110 Dish and TD88 Dish in Tandem
66°East to 60°West.
AZbox PrmHD + OpnbxS9HD + Skybox + DrHD F15
2x VboxII AZ-EL
2 m+ Alcoa PF + BSC421 C-Band lnbf...
+SS2/TwHnS2-3200 pci/TBS6925 pci
1.5 Fortec Star -Gbox - HtoH Ku/Ka/C
My Location
Good luck m8 ..
Hope everything goes to plan ..
As regarding backups ..
I think you get to chose the ammount you backup ..
Channel List

I usually do one of each ....and you can select the save destination ..
ie ,...hard drive if fitted ...or usb stick ...
I use the usb stick option because its easily portable ..and can then be archived in a pc or laptop.

Thanks for the pdf ...I'll give it a coat of looking at ..but am generally happy with the original FW


Feb 16, 2012
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Vipersan said:
Good luck m8 ..
Hope everything goes to plan ..
As regarding backups ..
I think you get to chose the ammount you backup ..
Channel List

I usually do one of each ....and you can select the save destination ..
ie ,...hard drive if fitted ...or usb stick ...
I use the usb stick option because its easily portable ..and can then be archived in a pc or laptop.

Thanks for the pdf ...I'll give it a coat of looking at ..but am generally happy with the original FW

Thank for your help before. Got most of it up and running.

Just having one problem which could be the HDMI bug which has been netioned by a few people but I can not find anyone who has posted a solution. This was not on the box when I got it with Spaze 2.1 already loaded (possibly with the fix applied). If I move from a HD channel (eg 67) to another HD channel (eg 101) you get the sound but no video. The fix is to click the next channel (102 or 100) and then back to the original channel (101) and it starts working fine. I can the click through the channels (ch + and -) and there is no problem. One thing I noticed is that I can change to HDMI in AV setting (is this the HDMI setting)? Could not find on any forums, is there a fix for this?


May 17, 2010
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Hi... Another METOO answer but mine definitely worked and you don't have to buy anything or wire up anything.
Connect a Ethernet CAT5 network cable to your AZBOX and to your PC. First get your PC's networking enabled.

To first access your box to allow you to upload a new image to it, turn the AZBOX off. WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE "VOL +" SWITCH ON THE FAR RIGHT HAND SIDE FRONT PANEL, SWITCH ON THE AZBOX AGAIN using the rear panel switch. AND CONTINUE TO HOLD THE VOL + DOWN WHILST IT GOES THROUGH THE BOOT UP ROUTINE. The front panel LEDs will soon give you an IP address (such as 192.168.X.X). Go to the _ site and download the AZup AZBOX recovery tool. While on that site, also download the Openrsi AZBOX kernel and the images appropriate to your version of the AZBOX.
Run the AZup Recovery tool on your PC and input the IP address the AZBOX bootup routine gave you into the AZup recovery tool screen. One that is done selecting the AZBOX kernel or image you've just downloaded from the OpenRSI site and mouse select that from within the AZup program.
Assuming the AZBOX is talking via the AZBOX to you PC, it will immediately start to upload that to your AZBOX.
When its finished uploading the new kernal or image, BINGO! it will boot up but in the OpenRSI image (which is quite surprisingly detailed and immensely configurable) and most folk would choose to retain that image as a vast improvement on the original. DON'T, WHATEVER YOU DO, SWITCH OFF OR INTERRUPT THE AZBOX WHILST THE NEW IMAGE IS BEING LOADED!!!!!!!!!!! If you do send the AZBOX to me. I could use it for spare parts....!!!

Hope it helps.... Kind regards, Robert. ZL2ROB, New Zealand.


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"DON'T, WHATEVER YOU DO, SWITCH OFF OR INTERRUPT THE AZBOX WHILST THE NEW IMAGE IS BEING LOADED!!!!!!!!!!! If you do send the AZBOX to me. I could use it for spare parts....!!!"

If something happens while flashing, you can still recover the box with jtag. Used my nokia phone cable modified and done the job with the correct software & commands.


May 17, 2010
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:-handclapMany thanks John..Yep, I tumbled to that problem in my early fiddling with dreamboxes! We have since found an amazing AZBOX utility for reloading the AZBOX. It's called AZUP.exe. Google for it. And, incidentally, some of the Dreambox file and Satellite update utilities can work with the AZBOXes since they are both Linux based OS machines. In the Dreambox utilities, it will be necessary to alter the IP addresses and some directory/folder )folders to you lot used to talking in Micro$oft lingua franca but directories if you're a Linux fan)
Anyway, we eventually fixed our stuffed image after trying to change back to the original firmware from the free of charge OPENRSI _ - OpenPLI for AZBox . I still think OPENRSI is the best AZBOX image, though, but we just HAD to fiddle, didn't we! It does lack a Blind Scanning facility but it makes up for it in many other ways.

Kind regards,

Robert, ZL2ROB.

john_graydon said:
"DON'T, WHATEVER YOU DO, SWITCH OFF OR INTERRUPT THE AZBOX WHILST THE NEW IMAGE IS BEING LOADED!!!!!!!!!!! If you do send the AZBOX to me. I could use it for spare parts....!!!"

If something happens while flashing, you can still recover the box with jtag. Used my nokia phone cable modified and done the job with the correct software & commands.


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Hi Robert
Im using Dream box Edit for the channel edit, Using the Spaze image at the moment. Will take a while to find my around the folders to see where everything goes. I was using the original firmware for the blindscan though, especially for football feeds. I had the Open pli image on but change it to see what else was there. I do miss the multiboot that is on the Dreambox 7000 to switch between images.


May 17, 2010
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AZBOX Premium + HD, Dreambox 500s, 95cm Ku band offset dish, C band and combined Ku Band LNB.
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Christchurch, New Zealand
Try holding in the front panel +VOL button in whilst the AZBOX power is switched on and then, still holding the button in, switch the power on and continue to hold the button down. Very soon, it will come up (OR SHOULD) with the IP address for the AZBOX.

Whilst that IP address is rolling across the VFD Screen, on your normal PC, download a copy of AZUP.EXE from _ and also a copy of OPENRSI image off the same site (completely free of any fees or charges) select one suitable for your AZBOX. Use AZUP to load the OPENRSI image by giving the AZUP program the IP address of your AZBOX as shown on the VFD at the bootup as above. Also give AZUP your PC's download folder location for the OPENRSI image you have just downloaded. Just sit back and watch the magic! DON'T, WHATEVER YOU DO, SWITCH THE AZBOX OFF WHILST ITS LOADING THE NEW IMAGE. Also, use the 50Hz selection for the refresh rate NOT 60HZ.

I'm on Skype if you need to contact me for further help...... No charges of course! Kind regards, Robert. Skype user name is zl2rob.

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