

Specialist Contributor
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
seven antennas,one toroidal with 16 lnbs,
6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,9 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6504,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6902se,skystar hd2),2 tuners usb-tbs5927 & tbs5925,Skystar HD.
Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W
My Location
Have you tried it? I've read countless times that DD Max SX8 would be the best alternative to the TBS6903X/6909X card,but so far I haven't found a complete review about this card.
For now it is only known that the card from DD has the same STiD135 demodulator as the cards from TBS(6903X/6909X).For this reason both cards have the same technical specifications and perform the same functions.The only difference,if any, between the two cards would be to what extent the DD card would allow the full use of the demodulator as created by the STM manufacturer.But I doubt it would have allowed DD full access to the chip's source code.If what I say now is true,the only difference between the two cards would be how the drivers are designed.And it would be good to know this,if we want to compare both cards.
But no matter how well the Max SX8 card is designed,an important detail will decrease its value in the eyes of a dxer,namely,because it does not have Crazyscan support.From this point of view no matter how powerful the DD Card is,without this software support,the TBS card has an extra advantage.
I would like not to be right,but only an analysis applied to this card would be able to show us the differences and similarities between the two cards from two different manufacturers.For now we know the advantages and limits of the TBS card,but we still do not know anything about the DD card.Or at least I don't know.I expect such an analysis about SX8.
So far,the only comparison we're making between SX8 and 6909X is at the price of each card, the first cost $397.56,and 6909X,$279.