Needle in a haystack!



Newbie: I apologise for making you all go through these basics again but put yourselves a few years back when you were in possession of a potentially wonderful entertainment package but didn't have a clue of how to get the darned thing to work ... let alone how big the sky looks when you are trying to point the dish in the right direction wherever that may be!

I recently bought a sky digibox to make use of a pre-installed sky dish. However when I switched on, I got the ominous message "No satellite signal is being received". I went into Settings / Test signal and even though the Signal Strength is at full, the Signal Quality is at 0 ... sometimes it jumps momentarily to half power but hurries back to 1/4 and falls consistently back down to zero where it stays for most of the time. (Lock indicator is "Not locked", Network id is "0001" and Transport stream is "042c" but I am not sure how it managed to work all this out and if it means anything!)

I am not using any card at the moment and I am quite certain that the cable connecting the LNB (tried with two different LNBs both with the same result) to the digibox is in good condition (NEW!) and not the cause of the problem. At the one unique moment when the Signal Quality jumped momentarily to 3/4 I went into Add channels / Find channels and it found a list of them including TCM and Eurosport at the top, from what I can remember. By the time I came out of the menu though they were all lost and we reverted back to the usual "No signal found" message! Is there any indication from the information above that at least I am "near" the correct Sky Satellite cluster?

The "Add channels" frequency is at 11.778 MHz (or something like that) and I am not sure if I should change that to setup the dish, or check the LNB settings in the "hidden menu" (even though I am not sure what I will actually find there) or if it is just a matter of pushing the dish slightly left and right until I get some sort of higher Signal Quality (I am currently pointing where the Signal Strength is at the highest, but I am beginning to realise that this may not necessarily be a good thing)?

Any advice about what I should do next would be most welcome!



Believe it when I see it Admin.
Staff member
May 1, 1999
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My Satellite Setup
Technomate 5402 HD M2 Ci, DM7000s, Transparent 80cm Dish, Moteck SG2100 DiseqC motor, lots of legacy gear. Meters: Satlook Digital NIT, Promax HD Ranger+ spectrum analyser.
My Location
[updated:LAST EDITED ON 14-May-02 AT 04:02 PM (GMT)]You're on the wrong satellite, move the dish downward slightly and East by 10 degrees and you will get the right channels, you are at present on Astra 19,2 which is the old Sky satellite.



... embarassing! I thought I was a bit out, but 10 degrees is rather a lot even by my standards! I will (try to) rectify tonight!

Thanks rolf!


Believe it when I see it Admin.
Staff member
May 1, 1999
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Technomate 5402 HD M2 Ci, DM7000s, Transparent 80cm Dish, Moteck SG2100 DiseqC motor, lots of legacy gear. Meters: Satlook Digital NIT, Promax HD Ranger+ spectrum analyser.
My Location
[updated:LAST EDITED ON 14-May-02 AT 06:27 PM (GMT)]Don't worry too much, 10 degrees is not much movement and it's the most commonly found substitute with DIY installations :)

When setting the dish, if it's a standard Sky minidish, the dish face will be almost vertical when pointing at 28.2 (from most parts of the UK).



Thanks for your help Rolf! You were right, I was facing 19.2 ... of course as a newbie I turned the dish in the wrong direction until I was facing 13 East and watching RaiNews24!

But I realised my mistake with the help of lyngast and went to 28 degrees or so and now have clear reception and Lock on Sky digital. The only thing missing is the subscription card. I posted the signed contract yesterday but I presume it will not be for another week until the card arrives!

I'll watch Boomerang in the meantime!