Nintendo DS emulates classic KORG synthesiser

The Feedster

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Jun 26, 2007
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Japanese game producer AQ interactive must have some extra-geeky nerds on its programming staff, judging by the bang-up job they’ve done of implementing a classic synthesiser on the Nintendo DS.
AQI’s KORG DS-10 is, you may have guessed, a handheld virtual implementation of KORG’s MS-10 synth from the 1970s. Best of all for fans of retro tech, it’s currently being polished off for a Japan release in July at just ¥4,800 (£23).
You’re my best pal, you are
The developers, who claim to have come up with the DS-10 as a result of a barroom challenge among themselves, have loaded the DS with real synth samples from KORG and combined them with screens that replicate the look of the original hardware.
Musicians reading this will want to know that the touchscreen gives access to two analogue synthesizers, a drum machine, a six-track sequencer and a mixer. If that all sounds mysterious, AQI assures us even a novice can get to grips with the DS-10.
Lastly, this isn’t the solo, bedroom-bound pursuit we expected – the wireless link on the DS means like-minded musos can get together in a room and twiddle each other’s knobs until the early hours.
