Old frreview card; Freesat; Italy


Jun 27, 2005
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hopeful Italian satellite equipment
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Umbria, Italy
Dear All,

I feel a bit cheeky, not having posted for a looong time, but the replies I got here helped me set up a fabulous system in Umbria, central Italy.

When I did that, using a simple Sky receiver and a satellite dish purchased on Ebay Italia, I used a Sky freeview card three years ago. It expired last summer and would not receive any more. I understand that Sky has discontinued issuing these cards.

With the beginning of Freesat do I:

a) need to get a new dedicated Freesat box from the UK and take it to Italy to replace my Skybox
b) do nothing as now the free-to-air signals should work with or without my expired Sky card
c) somehow acquire a new card to go in the Sky box...

I am in the Far East at the moment but go back to Italy via the UK so was thinking of picking up the Freesat box, but am wondering now if my Skybox will continue to work and pick up the BBC and ITV channels.

Many thanks for any help on this.



How do you mean "it expired"?

If it is a blue card with a yellow house, it may have just gone to sleep ie missed "stay alive" signals.

In which event, it should spring back to life within 72 hours of being placed in the Box (Standby or On).

That said, NDS Cards are rumoured to be due for re-issue in Spring 2009, so it most certainly will expire around then.

Finally, contrary to misleading reports in some Forums a few months ago, these Free To View Cards are still available. Mind you, now that the entire Channel 4 family (apart from HD) and Five are available FTA, the value of the Cards is severely diminished!


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tipa said:
b) do nothing as now the free-to-air signals should work with or without my expired Sky card

I can see no reason why your second answer is not the way to go


Meanwhile, having returned from Brekky, I can finish!

Disregarding the situation right now ('cos I think your Card is viable pro-tem), you nevertheless are faced with the options you mentioned when the Cards are due for re-issue:

As the acquisition of a replacement Card would cost you £20 and give you little benefit, and depending upon the age and condition of the Box you currently have, it might be time to grab a Freesat Receiver.

These are around £50 for SD Boxes, £120 for HD (although some have been on sale at only £60 recently!), PVR for £300.

It might be an opportune moment to "go HD" (I just have!) and, if you do, the Humax Foxsat is the weapon of choice (plus it has DiSEqC so you can use it for multi-Satellite purposes, too).


Jun 27, 2005
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hopeful Italian satellite equipment
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Umbria, Italy
Thanks, RaiUno,

When I bought it I was told it would last for 3 years, and then this last summer my box would no longer pick up the previously free to air channels. My interpretation was that regardless of whether they were free to air, I still needed the actual little card (yes, blue with yellow house).

Do I need the card at all, and if so is mine now dead?

I really appreciate your replying to my post.


rai uno said:
How do you mean "it expired"?

If it is a blue card with a yellow house, it may have just gone to sleep ie missed "stay alive" signals.

In which event, it should spring back to life within 72 hours of being placed in the Box (Standby or On).

That said, NDS Cards are rumoured to be due for re-issue in Spring 2009, so it most certainly will expire around then.

Finally, contrary to misleading reports in some Forums a few months ago, these Free To View Cards are still available. Mind you, now that the entire Channel 4 family (apart from HD) and Five are available FTA, the value of the Cards is severely diminished!


tipa said:
Thanks, RaiUno,

When I bought it I was told it would last for 3 years, and then this last summer my box would no longer pick up the previously free to air channels. My interpretation was that regardless of whether they were free to air, I still needed the actual little card (yes, blue with yellow house).

Do I need the card at all, and if so is mine now dead?

I really appreciate your replying to my post.


Ah, no!

When you bought the Card, it came with a "free replacement" guarantee - Purchase of a Card on its own gives a 3 yr guarantee and purchase as part of a full FreesatfromSky Installation gives a 5 yr guarantee. This is to cater for the fact that from time to time they change all the Cards and it would be unfair for recent purchasers to be forced to buy another through no fault of their own. The guarantee did not mean your Card would die after 3 yrs!

As I say, your Card should not be dead - merely sleeping. It should wake up as I described. BUT, if Cards are replaced as rumoured this coming Spring, then it certainly will die permanently soon afterwards and you won't get a free replacement.

Furthermore, the Card is not (and never has been) necessary for Free To Air Channels.

Indeed, the Cards now only get you Fiver, Five US, Setanta Sports News, SkyThree and, errm, I think that's it!

Also, despite the fact that Channel Four and Five have an FTA version that is used by Freesat Boxes and generic Receivers, Murdoch still uses the old Encrypted versions. So a Card is still required if you want Channel 4 and Five on 104 and 105. Otherwise you can get them FTA via the cumbersome "Add Channels" process.

Complicated, isn't it!

If you remain in doubt, I suggest you follow Topper's advice until you get fed up - and then get a Freesat Box!

No point in shelling out for a new Card.


By the way, if your Box adamantly refuses to show Free To Air Channels (regardless of the issues surrounding your Card), then you have a problem with the Box or the cabling/LNB/Dish.....................

What Box Make/Model is it?


Jun 27, 2005
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My Satellite Setup
hopeful Italian satellite equipment
My Location
Umbria, Italy
Thanks, RaiUno.
I think it's just an old Amstrad box (I am not in Italy right now). It worked fine but I was pretty sure it was some kind of expiry issue with the old card. The Humax HD box might be a fine option anyway. What about one with a PVR in it; they as good? Anyone know of any heavily discounted in the Jan sales...?