Seeking advice on Astra 2D optimising



This thread marked my first foray into the wonders of fringe reception of 2D.
As the title was "Seeking advice on Astra 2D optimising", I think it is fair now to offer my own best advice:

To optimise 2D reception 24/7 in the Copenhagen area, you need a high quality 180 cm dish + proper LNB.
My recommendation is an ASC/Andrew/Skyware/Channel Master model 180 with an Inverto Black Ultra Quad.
It just works.

The Channel Master is recommended not just because of performance, but also when you get into these dish sizes, you need a sturdy dish, proper mounts etc to ensure that you can align and keep the alignment.
Just be aware that such dishes require mounting conditions entirely different to your vanilla 60 cm steel dish.
Be prepared to dig large holes and handle some concrete!

And please, forget about Chinese petal-dishes (Jonsa/Fortec/Xxx) they are a complete waste of money.
And perhaps even worse, they'll waste your time trying to optimse (fiddle) to get anything usable from 2D.
