What a great forum!
I have a strong srt4375 motorised system with a 1.0 mtr dish that after many nightmares i managed to install myself. i received all of the main sats no prob, such as astra 28.2/19.2, Hotbird, Sirius, etc.
but i still couldnt seem to get many of the other sats listed in what sat mag, even though i seem to have the correct dish set-up (i even get a brilliant signal strengh on sirius although i believe i should have a 1.2 dish - around 75% on a good day on some channels)
Howether i was getting i bit fed up with not being able to receive some of the others i was missing.
This is where it gets confusing- (for me anyway!!) i posted on a newsgroup and someone suggested uploading a new channel/ tp list, so after visiting the strong web site, i made a null modem lead from the schematic on the site , upgraded the firmware using srtlink no prob and then uploaded a file i downloaded from: http://www.belgiansatellitehoppers.com/
This is a channel settings file. i installed it to my receiver and bingo some of the sats that i was unable to receive i can now get, howether some of the sats i received previously are gone! and i have looked and scanned for these with the correct tp data to no avail. obviously this does look like a tp problem in that i have the incorrect settings on some sats on one file and my original file which i had thankfully backed up. i have tried both files many times, changing tp info etc, moving the dish etc. but i still cannot get this sorted.
Does anyone know somewhere else i can download new channel/tp data from for uploading to my receiver? is the srt receiver satcodx compatible as i tried uploading files in satcodx formast to my receiver which seemed to go ok, but on checking the file did not upload to my receiver?.
I would appreciate any help on this matter!!! (sorry to ramble on a bit!!)
What a great forum!
I have a strong srt4375 motorised system with a 1.0 mtr dish that after many nightmares i managed to install myself. i received all of the main sats no prob, such as astra 28.2/19.2, Hotbird, Sirius, etc.
but i still couldnt seem to get many of the other sats listed in what sat mag, even though i seem to have the correct dish set-up (i even get a brilliant signal strengh on sirius although i believe i should have a 1.2 dish - around 75% on a good day on some channels)
Howether i was getting i bit fed up with not being able to receive some of the others i was missing.
This is where it gets confusing- (for me anyway!!) i posted on a newsgroup and someone suggested uploading a new channel/ tp list, so after visiting the strong web site, i made a null modem lead from the schematic on the site , upgraded the firmware using srtlink no prob and then uploaded a file i downloaded from: http://www.belgiansatellitehoppers.com/
This is a channel settings file. i installed it to my receiver and bingo some of the sats that i was unable to receive i can now get, howether some of the sats i received previously are gone! and i have looked and scanned for these with the correct tp data to no avail. obviously this does look like a tp problem in that i have the incorrect settings on some sats on one file and my original file which i had thankfully backed up. i have tried both files many times, changing tp info etc, moving the dish etc. but i still cannot get this sorted.
Does anyone know somewhere else i can download new channel/tp data from for uploading to my receiver? is the srt receiver satcodx compatible as i tried uploading files in satcodx formast to my receiver which seemed to go ok, but on checking the file did not upload to my receiver?.
I would appreciate any help on this matter!!! (sorry to ramble on a bit!!)