Recent content by Alxkid74

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    Tethys ALPHA FTA

    High Tuzert, I am very very interested by having some explanations about the point 8 (in fact just the way to save the favorites)... Are there some news about the new firmware about Tehtys ? bye
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    Tethys ALPHA FTA

    Hello I am also French I found the error: The cable must be STRAIGHT and NOT NUll modem Thanx PS:My wife is Spanish
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    Tethys ALPHA FTA

    Bonjour à tous, Hi all, I've got a Tethys Alpha Fta. Would like to upgrade it. I have a null modem rs232 cable (with pair 2/3 twisted and 7/8 twisted) but the software doesn't recognize the receiver : it says : no answer Any idea ? Alx