Recent content by Nickle

  1. N

    BD Team 'InjectoR 8Mb v.15 final'

    Therefore not applicable without dragon tail?
  2. N

    BD Team 'InjectoR 8Mb v.15 final'

    You tried this? What does it give over TDMAN?
  3. N

    New SF Image out with Enigma

    Yes but for example there is an XBMC python script capability that allows streaming from a Dreambox. Currently I use 2 XBOXs as my main media clients: Music, photos, video from NAS and recorded TV from Tivo. But I would need a suitable codec / media player for XBMC to be able to play the files...
  4. N

    New SF Image out with Enigma

    Looks like it's toasted at present! 'O' So, this image not for the faint hearted then! Once this is stable would it enable all the dreambox facilities such as streaming to be used on a TD? But I suppose you would start to ask the question as to why not go and buy a Dreambox as opposed to a TD?
  5. N

    New SF Image out with Enigma

    Go on, let the new boy in on the secret. What is enigma? And by the way what's happened to the forum on which you are magwitch?
  6. N

    Remote Control problems

    Yes, that helps a lot! O-no
  7. N

    New TD Web Interface 3.2

    Works well for me!
  8. N

    Remote Control problems

    OK, I'm submitting on this. I HAD PLASMA ====== < top of unit Triple Dragon PLasma multimedia connect box SKYplus box ======= < bottom of unit And have now changed it to ..... PLASMA ======= < top of unit Plasma connect box SKYplus box Triple Dragon ======== < bottom of unit ..... and it now...
  9. N

    P*emiere on TD

    Now that's SO the wrong thing to say! :-DOH! There's me expecting you to say evocam, or maybe cam3d.... I've been trying to sort my cam3d problem and about to start on the new evocam . I've started trying to work out what works with what, but although what will cam X open is easier, doing...
  10. N

    P*emiere on TD

    So, which is the best emu now? the new cam3d or the new evocam? I've got this horrible feeling that you're going to say something like "depends on which channels you want to watch" To which I'll reply with, "So where can I get a list of which channels require which emu"? And you'll probably...
  11. N

    TDman 11c update with Camd3

    Llew, I've been having problems with 11c, which is to do with the CAMD3 stuff not loading properly. Upon trying to load it via the 3.2 web interface it complained about certain files missing etc. I've reconstituted these from elsewhere, but confused about why theye were not there. As you...
  12. N

    Remote Control problems

    Yes I have a Hitachi 4300 42" plasma. The TD is directly below it. I will give it a try to move / shield the TD. However I am a little sceptical in that (a) nothing else has ever been affected - unless the TD IR receiver is particularly senstive or the Linux driver is susceptable to noise...
  13. N

    Remote Control problems

    Changed the remote channel from 0 to 2 and no difference. The frequency setting is basically tied to the 'play a tone' setting above it, i.e. it configures the sound to make when you press a button. Tried it with and without confirmation beep. no difference. Don't think thats the problem...
  14. N

    Remote Control problems

    Have gone through all remotes and no visible reaction from TD. Then picked up TD remote: Pressed MENU - which worked Pressed Maintain Lists - which worked Pressed DOWN - no more response to remote at all Am trying to dig up TD manual to work out how to change remote channel in case that...
  15. N

    Remote Control problems

    I only had my TD for about a month. Both on the previous image (March) and the current TDMAN_10a image I have a problem where the TD stops responding to the remote control after about half a dozen keypresses. All th ebuttons stop working including on/off. Makes it hard for moving down...