Recent content by ntman2000

  1. N

    Faceplate Headache

    Thanks I sort of guessed that I had dropped a clanger there what wwould I need to fit to the dish to give me this diplexed signal or would Ihave to get a pro in to do this ?
  2. N

    Faceplate Headache

    Hi so many helpful questions ok so I will try to get the plate off and take a picture but as I remeber there were only two places that the wires could be attached to. My property is a house so no shared feeds etc as i a flat. No there is no power supply to the faceplate. And lastly that's my...
  3. N

    Faceplate Headache

    Again sorry not an expert here bought this as an amature and cannot find any info on this but yes that is what I thought, I put normal aerial cables into the sockets and into the TV and Blueray system (for radio reception but these do not appear to receive a signal (i do not have any testing...
  4. N

    Faceplate Headache

    Firstly sory if this is the wrong forum to post to but here goes when we moved in we had the sattelie cables running through the wall and a tv point so I replaced the tv point with one of those 4 way (2 Sat 1TV and Radio) faceplates on the back of it all I had was two connection point so I...