Recent content by SATNEWB123

  1. S

    Unpaid Sky Box Office

    Thanks at least i am not going to get a silly bill if it happens again
  2. S

    Unpaid Sky Box Office

    Hi Like I said above my phone line was connected all the time. I guess it could have been a lot worst I could have ordered a lot more and ended up with hundreds been taken and going into the red and getting fined because of a faulty box. Is there a limit on box office events I can get without...
  3. S

    Unpaid Sky Box Office

    Hi Can sky do this they have just taken £40 out of my account without telling me for box office movies/events from years ago? Don’t they take payments strait away? They said it was because my box was not connected I have never unplugged the phone line. I have just had my box replaced would the...