Recent content by sk8ergeek

  1. S

    Dm500 Pvr

    at computer shop or online shop, you can get it there
  2. S

    DM500 Memory

    if you don't have this enclosure, try with your PC HD first for trial and give your report here good luck sk8ergeek Indonesia
  3. S

    DM500 Memory

    Let's see...look at patoinsf, he was confuse first before I explain more detail this thread :) ok dig deep and mhku, as u wish I'll try to tell bout this trick All of this trick need some LAN external harddrive enclosure or network attached storage or kind of them. Just like DM500PVR thread...
  4. S

    Dm500 Pvr

    no, only one port that provide. For connecting to Internet, you've to use router, enclosure and DM connect to this router. Like this....
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    DM500 Memory

    I used image based on Gemini Project image. I'm afraid I can't tell more specific for technical cuz my english language not well. I want to tell a lot more but I'm afraid you will confuse to my explaination. I'm sorry to this.
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    DM500 Memory

    Using LAN enclosure and mod script sk8ergeek Indonesia
  7. S

    DM500 modding

    Using LAN enclosure + USB hub 4port sk8ergeek Indonesia
  8. S

    Tips on Streaming from dbox to VLC on the PC.HELP -

    use bitcontrol for good streaming from DM to PC
  9. S

    Dm500 Pvr

    Yup, similar like NAS feature. Until now manual script mounting I've use. Right, IP address I'm focusing on it mounting from NAS to my DM500.
  10. S

    Dm600 Pvr

    not really long wait bro for DM500PVR take a look at this thread
  11. S

    Dm500 Pvr

    Modding for DM500 without PC Using enclosure that support Ethernet port with HDD PATA and a script sk8ergeek Indonesia